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Disarm the police!

Hey single men of AnarchoVillage. Imagine having this one as your wife. I wonder if she is taking applications. Auction her off for you at AnarchoForko '19. All proceeds can go to Kokesh 2020. LOL aaand, what the heck? We'll leave some residual for a nice honeymoon in Austria where you can then go visit Liberland on the Danube.

Does it bother you that people actually believe in consent down to the individual? Or is it that you prefer the company of thieves, rapists, and murderers?

You pose this question as if I am promoting NAP violations somewhere along the line..... Who is denying any Right to Consent or Reject?

Or are you denying the fact that you might make a wonderful wife for a man from AnarchoVillage? Perhaps you are lesbian. Who knows? This was a major compliment, you know............................... And I presumed (from all the other postings I read from you), when posting it, you are intelligent enough to see the "tongue in cheek" attitude behind the idea of "auctioning you off as a wife". I mean FRIGGIN' DUH!!!!!!!

It's obvious your intent was to shame and poke fun, when you said,

"Auction her off for you at AnarchoForko '19."

There is nothing, "Tongue-in-cheek," about saying I am for sale.

😎thug life

oh, do expand on that one, endplunder. LOL

again... your stock price is completely plummeting. Don't worry. You are now ready to apply to become the poster child for MGTOW. You might get the job.


HOW SO? Come down off your high horse, young lady. Stop being so assumptive and pompous. I was 100% serious. Again, this is not to say or even imply your consent wouldn't be needed! And that appears to be the gist of your presentation against me. Get OVER YOURSELF, woman.

If someone thought highly enough of me, to find me a good wife via AUCTION!!!, I would be entirely flattered. Now, I would include "Right of First Refusal", if I felt the prospect might not work for me in a "long term commitment", but hell, I'd certainly give a relationship a month or two to decide.

Again... HIGH HORSE!!! Come down off it. Your typical feminazi, spoiled bitch attitude is causing the price for an auction bid to decrease by the minute, sadly. I could go into the Democratic Party to find more of that if I wanted it.


That's messed up dude

Seriously? Is that the best you can offer the scene?