Compulsive sexual thoughts at the DMV

in dmv •  6 years ago  (edited)

Some of the best times of my life have been when I had to wake up at 5am regularly - 2004-5, 2009. I've been waking up at 5 for about a month now in order to take my roommate to work. Here's hoping the trend continues.

In other news, I'm currently sitting in the DMV waiting for my son to take his knowledge test. We just started the process of getting him a license. He doesn't seem nearly as excited as I was, but he doesn't feel the need to escape his home life the way I did when I was his age. Of course by his age I had already been committed once and arrested twice - arson and credit card fraud - and my family was just short of explosively disintegrating due to my mother's violent alcoholism and my step-father's marijuana habit and corresponding withdrawal. Ethan's childhood was equally traumatic, I imagine, but certainly less-eventful. Like me he has a natural tendency to... "challenge traditional boundaries." I had to drill into him to behave lawfully: because of his food allergies, prison food would literally kill him. Of course, not to be a hypocrite, I had to reform my own behavior to set an example. Still have the desires, though. Always have them. There is a unique satisfaction in maintaining discipline.

Speaking of desire, I'm surrounded by hot, barely-legal teen girls. Thank god for small favors! The age of consent here in Nevada is 16 - if she has her parents' permission. That wouldn't be an awkward conversation or anything. "Hi there. I'm in my late-thirties with domination fantasies of young and inexperienced women. Can I recruit your daughter into my sex cult?"

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