DNA Malware-Gene Editing

in dna-malware •  6 years ago 

Two annotated documents by Tony Pantalleresco, discuss Artificial Intelligence as operating system applied to mankind and its assimilation through tribulation. The first document is entitled, "World's first hack using DNA? Malware in genetic code hack programming" https://tinyurl.com/y7talda7, and second ddument is entitled, "European court ruling regulates gene editing" https://tinyurl.com/yb3qe4rc .

SCI-FI or Horror Show--got caught up on inconsequential things that are irrelvant as to what is going on under their noses. People playing catch up. Bryan 396 and Tony Pantalleresco got the jump on the nano and some of the junk that is being sold using nanomaterials, which bypass blood brain barrier, and is counter to what the mainstream industry state.

People research and don't investigate or plan for long term. People got through a proces with doctors, then alternative "medicine". Then the entertainment begins as sales jargon and seeling to those believing in the illusion.

Gene editing: How manipulating DNA is being done and how it is not being regulated in the US, but is in Europe. Altering DNA codes using a program, the implcations. Modifying the genetic code or altering DNA.

USDA is not to protect US citizens, and especially North America nationals; Canada is just as retarded and backward in its collective thinking.

community service channel, uploading Tony's podcasts.
donate to support http://www.themicroeffect.com/microeffect/donate/
sign in for chatroom access to links: http://www.TheMicroEffect.com/MicroEffect/chatroom/
check schedule for date and time for when Tony's on live: http://www.TheMicroEffect.com/MicroEffect/schedule-2/
nanopoisoning resources:
http://Bryan396.com/ 's Mainstream Nano Docs https://plus.google.com/collection/ULVqTE
tony's resource directory by s'mo https://tinyurl.com/yazm6fdn
tony's catalog and inventory http://tinyurl.com/ybtpvcr8
tony's database https://tinyurl.com/lcgey9y
HerbsPlusBeadWorks' remedies https://tinyurl.com/y897fewe
collaborators: i) Suzanne Maher's https://ByeByeBlueSky.com/
ii) https://www.GagCanada.com/#
protocols for colon health http://tinyurl.com/y74amu5y

contact details for consultation: independz at yahoo dot com
questions: +1 51nine 97seven 535one
or +1 20eight 93five 009four

Accepting liability offers under full immunity without recourse.

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