Rantings on the concept of "Junk DNA" | Part 1 - The Psychedelic Totality Machine As Template For Genetic Code

in dna •  5 years ago 


The term "junk DNA" has never sat right with me. Even way back when I considered myself to be a hard-headed materialist I felt that it seemed too inefficient to have the majority of our genetic code to be useless junk. I always believed it all came about through mutations selected by a favorable environment with old genetic information eventually becoming redundant, dromant and unused...

But then I stumbled upon that term "junk DNA" again after an eye-opening psychedelic experience and I had to laugh at it because it seemed so absurd in light of my immediate experience with people and my direct environment(al feedback). Now what could a psychedelic experience have to do with junk DNA? It was a primer to rethink it all which I would like to share here.

You see, on a good psychedelic experience - especially with other people on similar states in a high-input environment like a psychedelic dancefloor - there are certain notions that lose a lot of weight while others that have never gotten much attention outright beg to be noticed. One of the latter is the sense that everything fits perfectly, ALWAYS. Nothing is ever out of place and every little aspect, individual, behavior, color, action, impression and expression is always the manifested "result" of everything there is, crystalized to that specific point in space and time, to be witnessed by somebody - me in that case.

Even things I normally considered to be random, artificial or wrong had the same quality. It was perfect. Including all the things we normally consider "wrong" or out of place.

If I were to give you an analogy, a symbol that can help relay that sense, it would be like looking at a giant, mysterious, incomprehensible machine that has infinitely many moving parts - all interlocking into this one amazing mechanism where even the slightest absence of one tiny part would make the whole thing stop working. You can see certain parts changing at times, then other parts change but due to the nature of the machine the thing readjusts itself with ease and in an instance - almost as if this change of one of its part at a concrete moment during operation was part of the whole design to begin with. There was no redundance to speak of, rather everything was integral to the whole which reflected all the parts. Kinda like a symphony consisting of all the individual voices that play their part, only changing keys all the time and still producing a song that is amazing.


It's really a spiritual observation that begs to be interpreted and matter really matters little in this view, as anything you can see and feel, know and sense is energy in one form or another: The caring human being looking you in the eye as well as the piece of plastic lying on the ground we normally disregard as mere "stuff".

I vow to say there were moments on these states where everything made perfect sense and all the common ego judgments of parts were lovingly overwritten (or rather: demasked and made transparent) into what felt like an ancient recognition of the core of the totality.

Psychonauts can certainly relate to this notion, but it is based on firsthand experience, not on hear-say.

I feel biology is really "just" a representation of information in the field, a manifestation of the underlying energetic currents that make up the whole of existence, splitting itself into separately recognizable "parts" that really are no parts at all. If you are curious what I mean by this you may want to read up on "Questioning the Concept of Causality | Go On, Pick Your Favorite Reason"...

And so we get to DNA. What does this have to do with DNA and what about all that "useless junk DNA" we allegedly carry around with us as part of our ancient biological history? Is it really all just leftovers of code that was once essential? I don't presume to know of course, but I do want to explore this a bit further in part 2 with how I see it currently.


To be continued...

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Thanks for stopping by <3

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The foods you eat affect your gene expression. I'm pretty sure that's been proven. I also believe that DNA does not stay the same our whole lives. I think it changes along with ourselves and our environments. It records every experience, and functions as the unconscious mind. A certain amount of our DNA is like the blueprint for the body, and the rest, the "junk", maybe that is the blueprint for our psychology. Meditators always say that true happiness lies within, as do the answers and spiritual guidance that we need. We contemplate and meditate and answer our own questions. Maybe that process, on the unconscious, physical level, connects the unconscious information in our DNA, with the higher levels of consciousness in our minds. Or maybe not, but it's fun to think about.

Great points milli!
It would mean much of the "junk dna" has simply not been deciphered or has yet to be triggered by epigenetic effects.
Much love to ya <3

Well, well, well, look what I just found:

Here’s one more nugget about brain plasticity, a stunning discovery made by Eric Kandel, winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize for Medicine. Kandel discovered that when an animal learns something over a period of several hours, that learning process causes signals to be transmitted...
...into the DNA of the nerve cells.
These signals, Kandel found, turn certain genes on and other genes off. Think about that. You can repeat a thought or action over and over—or create slower, more coherent brain waves day after day— and some of your genes are turned on to make new proteins inside your brain cells.
This genetic change alters the structure of that cell and changes the number of connections that cell has with other cells in your brain...
...which leads to more awareness, and more resourceful ways of thinking, acting, feeling, and being.
Kandel showed—contrary to what had long been believed—that even our genes can change. Not only can our brains change, we’re also not necessarily stuck with the genes we inherited or the personal characteristics created by those genes. Is this “gene plasticity”?
Our thinking, behavior, and the way we stimulate our brain can actually influence the aspect of the gene that causes it to turn on or off certain proteins—some of which drive our level of awareness, what we believe is possible, our emotional reactions...
...and how much motivation, creativity,
and happiness we have.

Source: Page 95-96, The New Science Of Super Awareness by Bill Harris

If you're as fascinated by the brain as I am, I highly recommend this book. Even if you aren't interested in the binaural beats program they're selling (which I am also a big fan of), there's a lot of good information about the brain, brainwaves, psychology, spirituality, etc. I like how they don't just sell their program; they explain to you in-depth how it works and why and cite research to back it. At one point I wanted to compile a bunch of research about the brain that I never had time to actually do, but I did get curious about brainwaves. Then I found out that someone's already done all that work for me, as well as connecting those dots to gain something useful from it all.

Curious for sure, but not really surprising <3 <3
Thanks for sharing

Man, I would sure love to trip with you :0) I love conversations and thoughts like this on a 4-8 hour vacation from reality :D

hehe, maybe we'll get to that one day.
Hope you're doing well man and that life has been treating you with fortune and blessings