dreaming on your own pond? it not a problem!
this tutorial is for begginers! no need of any proffesional tools!
step 1:
choose the right place.
make sure that you have engouh space to dig a hole in the size that ou want. its better be a place with soft ground - it will make all the digging easier.
step 2:
dig a hole in the shape, size and depth that you want. in the upper 1/3 form some "step" - start dig a little bit to the sides. it will help us in the next steps.
step 3:
bu some simple plastic sheet for the sealing, the size should take into consideration the width, length and depth.
for exemple - if your pond going to be 1.2m length and 80cm width and 30cm depth - our lengh need to be (120+30+30) cm (the depth need to be consider twice- from both sides) and its
recommended to take some sapre cm's.
step 4:
place the plastic sheet on the bottom of the digging and make sure that its cover all of it.
step 5:
start filling your pond with water, fill it onl up to the lower 1/3- that force the plastice sheet to stick to the ground.
step 6:
start to put stons on the step around the pond to cover the the margins of the plastic sheet.
step 7:
finish the filling of the pond with water.
step 8:
for decoration - its possible to scatter some tuff stons around the pond.
now, when your pond is read ou can add ever decoration that ou want.
for exemple : fountions, artificial leaf and water flowers.
you can find all this eccesories on line and in gardening shops.