From Bigotry to Bullying: @TrilbeeReviews and transphobia smears: One face of the hell SJW politics have made of Doctor Who Fandom…

in doctorwho •  5 years ago  (edited)

From Bigotry to Bullying: @TrilbeeReviews and transphobia smears
One face of the hell SJW politics have made of Doctor Who Fandom…

Hello all.

These are bad times for Doctor Who fandom: I write today to shine a light on the behaviour of one particular You-Tuber, @TrilbeeReviews, but let us be clear, his behaviour is but one symptom of a far deeper malaise.

Last week, long term Doctor Who writer Gareth Roberts was de-platformed by BBC books because a tiny clique of radical feminists took objection to a tweet he had made 2 years before, expressing scepticism about the value of gender realignment surgery. The story has been featured in Spiked Magazine.

Many Doctor Who fans are greatly disturbed about this. Gareth Roberts has written for the show for over 20 years and has a long proven trackrecord of writing books, audiodramas and episodes of the main BBC show. It is especially concerning that these radicalised feminist writers, who have very strange ideas about what they want to do with the show and the messages they are desperate to place in young minds, are systematically targeting GAY writers. This is because Gay Men have the same preference for a Male Doctor as Intersectional Feminists want a Female Doctor, and its warfare between the two: only the Feminists are using underhand undermining tactics to get what they want.

It is bizarre and disturbing that fans of a science fiction program are expected to have complex views of gender issues in order to be able to have an opinion about the show: but this is exactly what is going on, and the behaviour being used to force fans out of fandom is deeply disturbing. Meanwhile the BBC and others have been deaf to complaints about what is going on, led by people with privileged access to the Doctor Who production team.
One of these people is @TrilbeeReviews
(You-tube here:, also known as MrTardisReviews (, and generally known as "Trilbee" in Dr Who fandom.

Last night a young Doctor Who fan, @Tharries, who is a thoughtful and sensitive human being, a teenager who also happens to be disabled, had Trilbee come down on him like a tonne of bricks for a harmless tweet saying simply “Gareth Roberts for showrunner”.

It didn’t occur to Trilbee for a moment simply that a top drawer writer like Gareth Roberts has a hell of a lot to offer the show, a show in deep trouble with the collapse of ratings and public support after the start of the new Chris Chibnall produced era and the disaster of series 11 (that aired in autumn last year and featured Jodie Whitaker in the title role).
Indeed, its ever since the show decided to plaster a rainbow flag across the Doctors chest and deliberately went out to appeal to the LGBTQ community that actual tolerance in Doctor Who fandom has been massively damaged, if not destroyed.

Instead, Trilbee felt entitled to attack Tharries as a “transphobe”, so triggered was he by a tweet simply based on the fact that Gareth Roberts is a good writer...

After all, it’s not as if Roberts himself has any interest in being showrunner: rather, @Tharries, along with many fans, merely objects to this intersectional bullying that is doing nothing but harm the show. When writers like Roberts, who was instrumental in keeping Doctor Who going between its original hiatus in 1989 and relaunch in 2005, are being driven out and un-personed, its ugly, nasty, and can only harm the quality of the actual production of Doctor Who in all its formats: as well as simply wrong to inflict harm and loss on a creatives career who has neither been accused or convicted of any crime.

To see what has happened to Roberts, a Gay man, then further weaponised to make completely unsubstantiated smears against the general fanbase of being “transphobic” is vile, disgusting, and an abuse of transgender issues in and of itself.

But then with Trilbee, we have form.

During the original run of Series 11 last year, Trilbee, whose channel had 16,000 subscribers on You-Tube at the time, became deranged. Rather than the sensible analysis of the show he had previously been known for, he went mad, accusing anyone who didn’t like the new series of the show of being “Sexist”, and making ever more desperate videos trying to claim the collapsing ratings week-on-week meant something else than the mass public turnoff of the boring preachy stories it really was.

The peak of this was when Trilbee took it upon himself to order everyone who didn’t agree with him to “Get the hell out of my fandom!”

And yet, when the series ended on the worst rated series finale ever, Trilbee released another video where he had to agree with all the sensible views of what was wrong with the show he had previously attacked the fanbase for.

Since then he has been relatively quiet: but now the extremist feminists have claimed Gareth Roberts scalp, he has become emboldened, and now its “transphobia” instead of “sexism” he attacks the same fans all over again for.
Tharries certainly didn’t deserve this sort of vile smearing abuse from a major Doctor Who You-Tuber like Trilbee: who has certainly indicated in the past he has sources inside the show, including privileged access to tips from inside the production office. He represents an approved source of Doctor Who information.

Being as BBC books has decided it can act as a Stasi of social views that “don’t reflect our values” it seems unconscionable they can then turn a blind eye to the behaviour of triggered bullies like @TrilbeeReviews.

Therefore, as well as being published for the fanbase as a whole, this article will be sent to relevant persons within the BBC and it’s on them to demonstrate either ethical consistency: or hypocrisy: the wider fan community, not just of Doctor Who but other Science Fiction shows, will certainly be watching…

As for Trilbee, when called out on his bullying, he at first tried to double down on his behaviour, further attacking Tharries, but then the light dawned that he had made a massive blunder that put him in a very bad light. After ignoring repeated requests for a simple apology, Trilbee blocked and ran, typical behaviour for a bullying coward. If he was just a random fan on the internet having a pop, then this article wouldn’t be justified: shrug and move on: however that is NOT who he is, and as part of the rigidly thought policed “Doctor Who Community” the intersectional radicals are trying to replace the historically open and tolerant“Doctor Who fanbase” with, he deserves to be called for account for his behaviour and attitudes: before this behaviour damages Doctor Who both as a fanbase and a franchise even further.

The real Doctor Who fanbase has always been genuinely inclusive and tolerant: by simply not giving a shit about gender and sexuality, only that people love the show and want to talk about it. What the BBC has allowed to fester in fandoms midst is the very antithesis of that, a narrow minded bullying cult. The damage done may take years to repair, if ever possible at all: and its people like @Trilbee reviews, @WhovianFeminism, @TheWomenOfWho and the notorious underground “Doctor Who Feminist Front”, who are entirely responsible. See further information here:

Such an ugly reflection of Modern society! And as far from the values of the character of The Doctor as its possible to get…

John the White
On behalf of #NotMyDoctorWho

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