You've Signed and we Love you for it: But #NotMyDoctorWho needs you more if we are to WIN

in doctorwho •  5 years ago  (edited)

#NotMyDoctorWho Campaign Update 7 5 Feb 2020

Hello all

Firstly let me re-iterate: we appreciate each and every one of you for signing the Campaign Petition, or, if you are reading this and haven't signed yet, this campaign exists to give you a choice if you want to dissent from the current direction of Doctor Who.
^ See and share HERE ^

While I have my personal perspective as the petition starter, the petition itself embraces both the view the show needs to go back under hiatus and/or there need to be sweeping changes in the production of the show, Chris Chibnall's departure being a key one amongst them. Right now it doesn't matter which option, END IT or CHANGE IT is most preferred, what matters is our show of unity against the ever decreasing circle of losing audience losing energy and losing relevance that is the current version of the show. To say nothing is to assent, to consent, to whatever gets dished up next, no matter what, or how little of it, how poor its quality or however long away.

Our show should be a world leading success. Instead it has become a naval gazing woke joke. The #NotMyDoctorWho campaign is running NOW because NOW there is still time for a concerted push of public pressure to make the BBC rethink and reassess.

What must surley be of increasing concern to them is the fact the consolodated catch-up audience for series 12 is dropping FASTER than the audience for the immediate live broadcast and overnight. This puts the lie low overnights are just a symptom of people watching TV differently to rest. The show is just not delivering and while series 12 shows some sign the need to at least try harder to please fans was recognised, it has also seen an increased haste to undo and usurp canon from the production, originating from the writers room. #NotMyDoctorWho asks: Why?


Despite getting off to a great start, we must report growth of the campaign has been significantly reduced, even stalled, by a variety of circumstance online.

Chief amongst them is the campaign has been lied about to warn people IE You-Tubers in particular away from us, because we have dared to stir up the hornets nest.

We do not as such blame You-Tubers for steering clear of backing our campaign: we recognise they have their interests to protect having put so much into building up their channels and audiences: and a few people who seem to be against the current direction of the show are also keen that it is THEY, and THEIR channel, who should be seen as the official "resistance": even while offering no route to action that could lead to answers and change. (To be clear we do NOT mean Noels channel).

On top of which, dear old Twitter, who has a long history of keeping me in a fridge, is showing signs of repressing my own Tweets from being seen organically.


There are 3 things we would like to ask all supporters to do. If just a couple of dozen of you do this, it could make a big difference to getting the campaign seen past these various forces at play who would prefer it not to be...


As petition signers are aware, comments can be left to support why you signed the petition. If people "like" these while logged in on the site, they can then share them to Facebook and Twitter (You must like the comment first to activate the sharing feature, its very quick and easy)

Please take a few minutes to LIKE in order to then SHARE Petition comments

TWO: Follow like and share all the content off the MAIN TWITTER THREAD for the Campaign

I have been building a big Twitter thread of campaign content. Its a ready resource of material all of which is great to retweet.

I am sorry, I am not on Facebook: Mr Zuckerberg rescinded my invite rather rudely. Was it something I said? I don't go back there. So please recreate content yourself on Facebook and get it moving, loads of memes and links and other content on the twitter thread...



This last isn't for everyone. We cannot say anyone sticking their head above the parapet wont get muck coming their way with the toxic fanbase.

But we can overcome that, if we stand together.

We don't want anyone doing anything that would cause them stress or make them feel unsafe. But the very fact we have to say this is an issue about talking about DOCTOR WHO, shows why we do need all those who will, to do so now, and stand with US.

^ Make yourselves known here

Your help over the rest of series 12 may be vital. If we can make a big enough show of Unity, we can gain the leverage as a campaign to be recognised heard and responded to. Its got to be worth a shot, compared to moaning and sitting around like lemmings doomed to take whatever the BBC decides to dish up, even though we don't like it. While series 12 is airing and the show is in the papers and the publics mind, a break for the campaign could come at any time, and the more of us work to help the campaign grown the higher the chances that break will happen.

Thankyou again, from the depth of my heart as a campaigner, for choosing to sign and stand with us at #NotMyDoctorWho

Now lets be Amazing...

John White aka @JohnTheWhite1
^ See and share HERE ^

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