The Fear of 13 (documentary) : One of the best I have seen in a while

in documentary •  6 years ago 

The person in question in this documentary is named Nick Yarris, and he does almost all of the commentary throughout the entire 96 minutes.


This guy Nick, is so compelling and entertaining, that i was convinced that while he was talking that Nick Yarris wasn't actually a real person. I was convinced that Nick was a fictional being or at the least there was an actor playing his role.

There are no actors, there is no fiction (unless he is lying) and this is a truly compelling story of a many wrongfully imprisoned for a long period of time.


Most of this movie is simply a one-on-one conversation with Nick himslef and not a great deal else. However, Nick is so incredibly passionate in his retelling of the events that took pace over the past 2 decades.... honestly, the film doesn't need more than that.

I was really moved by his performance and after spending 20 years in prison for a crime he did not commit i think that Nick really did an absolutely top-shelf job showing genuine emotion to the BBC during their filming of this doco. I don't want to give too many spoilers but the basic premise of this film was this:

Nick Yarris sent a letter to the prevailing judge saying that he wanted to waive his rights to any further appeals and have his death sentence carried out in 60 days, as is his legal right

I watch a lot of documentaries and this is likely the most compelling one I have seen in a while. I think the major reason for my feeling that way is because i too would feel bored by the fact that I am primarily dealing with looking at one person while he tells a story for an hour an a half, but man... oh man did this guy Nick tell the story properly..... This dude needed no assistance.

I encourage a lot of people to watch a lot of things on fast-forward. This is not one of those things. There is no filler... there is no fluff.... every word this man says is filled with the passion that only a person who has been in a cage for many years can come up with...... and come up with it Nick certainly did.

very few people deserve this stamp, but Nick does

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Thanks for the review @gooddream

I always find crime-related documentaries interesting.....think I will have to give this one a watch!

I find imprisonment tales interesting and sometimes a rude awakening to how broken the entire Criminal Justice System is. I have felt that pich on my soul and I have a taste of having your freedom taken away from you so I probably relate more to those who have experienced the same. This will be an interesting one... thank you for bringing it to my attention :)

Based on your review it sounds very interesting. I am not sure I would be able to sit and listen to one person talk for close to an hour and a half, but I might be able to give it a go. My wife and I really enjoyed watching Making a Murder and we have also like some of the other true crime type stuff we have watched.

Good post

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The trailer was too compelling that I would surely watch it also because you appreciated a lot. which rarely happens. so it would be worth my time I guess.
anyways keep flourishing, I was not able to keep up with you blogs as I was too busy into my new office life.