What the HEALTH!?!?!? - A Documentary

in documentary •  7 years ago 


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We enjoy fruit and vegetable smoothies, but the thought of putting meat in a blender is repulsive.

I haven't eaten meat in 4 months now and I am not looking back at all. This documentary reinforces everything I believe about the health impacts of eating meat. I didn't stop eating meat simply because I believe it's the right thing to do, I do not think eating meat is healthy for us to consume. Especially meat produces in the factory farming industry.
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All protein comes from plants

The idea that meat is the best source of protein is pure myth. All protein comes from plants, and the protein in meat is recycled protein from plant mater.


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Spine Health

I've had back pain for a long time, my muscles hold a lot of tension in them and I started to think meat could be contributing to that. Since stopping eating meat, I've noticed this tension diminish more and more over time. There are parts of my spine that are starting to gain flexibility I thought was gone forever.


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The strongest animals have a plant based diet.

Gorillas, Elephants, and Rhinos all eat a plant based diet. I do not think that we need to eat meat to be strong and healthy. Since becoming vegan so many people have asked me how I am going to get my protein. I am more worried about how they are going to get all the other nutrients they may not be getting.

What the Health

Check the documentary out on netflix or their website @ www.whatthehealth.com

Thanks for reading


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I'm doing the intermittent fasting now after Ramadhan fasting month ended couple of weeks ago.

Also been reducing my meat intake to only few times a week, eating more veggies & fruits as substitute. Now that Ramadhan dry fasting has ended i'm doing intermittent fasting + excercisizes (swim, crossfit, cycling). And eat cleaner & healthier too.

I'm surprised how much i doesnt't even missing meat in my meal. Used to have meat in all my meals before. Feels much better with my new diet & excercise regime :)

I did a video on Vegan protein before. I'm amazed at how many people are concerned with the amount of protein vegans and vegetarians get. hahaha I'll have to check out this documentary!