A message to mr dunford...

in dod •  5 years ago 

I am so sorry. I saw your video before congress on the infowars/alexjones show about google active collaboration with plaoc. me too. but why? I only respond for myself.

This is simple, I can't accept, live with or stand jeffrey esptein and his friends. I can't. I can't accept the doj policy, I can't accept the fbi policy, I can't accept the cia policy, I can't accept the potuses choices. I can't and I won't.

this is as simple as that. I had struggle with the financial cornering, profits for the them, and socialization of their loss (at the exception of blankfein), but I could understand that it was too complex for most to grasp how unjust it was (as it was said, social... I don't remember the term of winebeardman).

but for the jeffrey epstein crew, it is simply too much. I am deeply sorry, but I can't accept and live with myself by siding with those who protect him, or those who protect him, or those who protect those who protect those who protect him (dod < doj,fbi,cia < esptein gang).

I understand that a former potus (bill clinton, obama who did nothing, the reputation of many agencies, some foreign kings, princes, presidents and co) are in the choping block. I understand that it's a big hot patatoes.

However, I can't support those who rolls on the corpses because they didn't saw them, or did, but had to be sure, flash hospital from gunship aircraft because rebels go through, and nuke fucking japan, when purging this civilian filth become impossible.

I want to invade, occupy and americanize Cuba... I mean bring it on. I have no problem with a flash war against Iran, iraq, syria, russia... I mean PLAoC will have to do it anyway.

Because, it's clear that the current standard of liberty in china are clearly not to mine. However, are we at war? I don't speak of this little trade warlet, nope, I mean, the holly war for the survival of China? answer yes.

as such, what ever the masters of the arts of war decided, and they are awake, after the rape of nanjink, was finally the wake up call, I hope, to not again finish with the same mindset that plague american civilian life.

I know it's butchery to flash by the hundreds cia assets, move millions to camps, purge at will, second borne, speech, and bring more, but there is no question, it's about the survival of China, not ccp, cpp is a way, a path, it's not the goal, as they say to protect the good life, not perfect life :).

So yes, I am sorry for you, I felt your pain. I just can't stand the pedo clepto crypto globalists who want to impose gmo to the world, to corner dna. and against them... the silk structure, which hide the most terrific forms of the arts of wars, is an appropriate war machine to achieve the objectives, and among them, the pedocleptos judeo or not will die.

and have you read the story of the teacher asking for blowjob for grade in china? read the same about the sorbonne law university assistant? No... you see.

and guess what the pedo clepto want to do with the dod? kill it using the pla... the thing is that they believe pla will obey them after... they believe the Hans will be their slaves or equals...

that's the game and real moment, victory on the battlefield, is well know, and we can say that the real Khan, brought a true new level, but it's after that the real battles began. and this, is the real future of china, the china of liberty.

and please, don't listen to the racists that would say that the chinese people are inferiors beings who love the current state, nope it's a necessary steps, in the liberation process.

the people liberation armies of china, not the protectors team of the pedo civilians...

I believe we can still find a common path, but first, dear mr dunford, you have to show us the boddies of those who protected the esptein gang. yeah, dead bodies... and I don't care their tittle, because don't be fooled, the mss, has to fulll list, and if they were chineses, they would be dead, that is the core fundamental difference with the cia/nsa/dia...

why? because not doing so would lead sooner of later to the foreigner invasion, proofed, not theory.

I hope you understand.


ps for google, I have no idea (pedo? globalists, new world order international law?)

ps.2 why do you think I struggle here with resource credits? when I know that with dpos they may rewrite the chain? because to do so would expose their failure, not mine :). I will not engrave stones...

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