in dog •  8 years ago 

Sometimes the customs and norms of a particular culture can be appalling to others who do not share the same beliefs or views. What might seem right in one culture is often taboo or frowned upon in others.

So, it might shock you to hear that over in China there is a week-long event every year dedicated to eating dog meat. Known as the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, the event flies in the faces of every person who has ever loved or cherished a canine companion.

It is estimated that every year about 10 to 20 million dogs will be killed for their meat. Many are sharing articles similar to this one to promote awareness of the subject, some are even infiltrating the festival so they can save dogs before they are butchered.

In fact, one American activist has made it his mission to rescue dogs from slaughterhouses. Marc Ching has been beaten, threatened, and detained by authorities, but still remains vigilant in his quest to see the furry companions rescued.

All of the dogs that Marc rescues are taken to shelters and foster care organizations that can rehabilitate them, as well as find new homes for them.

This most recent visit will mark Ching’s 7th trip to Asia in order to save abused dogs. His determination and passion surrounding the issue have inspired activists around the globe, drawing people to his cause. Because of Ching, fewer and fewer dogs are dying at the festival, reports Wendy Higgins of the Humane Society International.

You can learn more about Marc Ching and the effort being made to save dogs on his non-profit’s Facebook page, and don’t forget to share this article with friends and family members who want to show support for those trying to stop this!

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I hope one day this will end, so thankful for people like this man, he's doing a great job :)

Yes he is a great man. I'm a dog lover myself. I really hope they stop this disgusting festival :(

I hope so too, breaks my heart thinking about those poor babies

Great work

Great job. We need more people like him in this world!

A true hero! Great work good sir!

Yes he is a hero!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

hmmm, how could we use steemit to help this cause? I like what you did here but seems like more could be done potentially.

Wow I really love your Idea. That would be amazing even if we could save just one dog. I think we should start an awareness campaign, so more people know about this. Please let me know what you think. Thanks

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank you. It certainly would and I'm not sure it would be that hard. I'm still new to blockchain and steemit but seems like this platform offers tremendous potential. First, we need to make sure this is legit and all proceeds would make it there... That said I like your awareness suggestion and these concepts could be applied to any charity I would think.

  1. Could we get him to create an account and post about his efforts and have the steemians boost his efforts? This seems like the simplest but most effort on his part.

  2. Get someone with enough steem who can carve out the award proceeds to a specific account that is in the charity name.

  3. Getting late and running out of ideas. Perhaps someone else is already doing this on steem already? I'll do some searching. Any others?