My Dog And Her New Experience ENG-SRB

in dog •  6 years ago 

My dear friends,
A month ago, we had the sacrifices of our dog, beautiful, fancy females. She wrapped up eight little beautiful shadows. I helped her get everything okay. It turned out that I had not even had to be beside her to help her anything, she could do all she could.
She was perfect in her mother's role. I could not believe with my own eyes how nature became old for motherhood. The beautiful young cubs advanced rapidly and grew into really beautiful dogs.
Here's how the cubs looked like.

These are females

These males

Dragi moji prijatelji,
Pre neki mesec smo imali prinove od našeg psa, prelepe umiljate ženke. Okotila je osam malih prelepih stenaca. Pomogao sam joj da sve ispadne uredu. Ispostavilo se, da nisam ni morao biti pored nje da joj bilo šta pomažem, sve je to ona sama mogla.
Bila je savršena u ulozi majke. nisam mogao verovati svojim očima kako se priroda postarala za majčinstvo. Prelepi mladunci su brzo napredovali i izrasli su u zaista prelepe pse.

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baš su vam lepi štenci

The oldest dog on record – a Queensland Heeler named Bluey – was 29 years, 5 months old.

It's one, happy dog.
Rare are dogs that live so long

What a good mother, beautiful puppies, you are very lucky.
