in dogs •  2 years ago 

Why Dog Training is Essential:
Honestly, an untrained dog can be a real pain - a risk to himself, his owner
and to other people and animals. Owning an undisciplined dog may result to:

  • Destruction to your home
  • Social isolation
  • Accidents
  • Legal claims against you
  • Stress to all concerned
  • The dog being unwanted
    Canines that always get their own way will believe that life revolves around them and for
    that reason they must be important. Since dogs are looking for controlling different
    resources than humans, their bid for power usually goes undetected until it’s too late.
    Obedience and house training your dog and ensuring he’s not raised to a top position
    inside the home will keep your relationship with him well-balanced in your favor, as it
    must be for satisfaction all round

Safety First

Not only can it be very inconvenient to own an untrained and disobedient dog, but it also
can severely have an effect on your health (and that of third parties), social status and
financial situation, and often leads to the dog being re-homed, or sometimes abandoned,
through no fault of his own.
Common injuries suffered by dog owners are those sustained in the home or out on walks
due to their dog barging into them, pulling them along, or being aggressive. Third-party
injuries result from people being injured as a result of off-lead dogs ignoring their
owners’ recall commands and attacking or chasing them, and also through dogs running on to roads and causing traffic accidents. This leads to claims by those third parties
pursuing dog owners for injuries and/or damages caused.
Not only does an untrained dog put humans, and indeed other animals, at risk, but he is at
risk of injury and even death himself- either from injuries sustained while out of control,
or because of being destroyed due to his owners being unable to cope with him and no
one else being willing to adopt a canine delinquent.

Good Manners
Some people who own untrained and therefore badly behaved, dogs can’t understand
why their circle of friends decreases and no one seems to want to visit them anymore.
They fail to appreciate that most visitors don’t like being jumped around and covered
with hairs and slobber.
Having a dog that will obey the fundamentals of obedience and house training makes for
a less strenuous and more pleasurable life for all involved. If you're continually telling the
dog off for doing something you think of as inappropriate, but not instructing him clearly
and kindly the proper way to go about things, this results in a very stressful lifestyle for
you both - which is distressing and not great for either party’s health.
Successful relationships derive from positive two-way communication and respect. If you
want your dog to be well-behaved with remarkable manners then you will find that
understanding how he thinks will help you achieve this goal and therefore be able to set
up a more mutually rewarding partnership with him.

A Good Chance
Training your dog to be responsive with people and obedient to their commands will
benefit your dog in more ways than you can think of. Not only will he then be a dog that
almost everyone will love and want to own, but he himself will be more psychologically
comfortable living in the world of people. Handling and training your dog correctly from
puppyhood really helps to stop behavioral problems building and retraining an adult dog
can often correct those that already exist.

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