Dog and Fruit 1938 πŸ’– πŸΆπŸ©πŸ•πŸˆπŸ’πŸ“

in dogs β€’Β  7 years agoΒ  (edited)


Fruit can be good for our Canine Companions.
Interesting article from 1938.

dogs and fruit.jpg

Good to check out though, which fruits are suitable for dogs.
Grapes and Raisins should not be fed to dogs because they can cause acute kidney failure.

And the jury seems out on Avocados; with some saying they are okay for dogs and others erring caution.
Avocado leaves, seeds and bark may contain a toxic principle known as persin; with some varieties tending to be higher in persin.
So avoid giving your dog the Avocado pits (chocking hazard) and the skin.

I have known dogs shake with excitement at the sight (and smell) of Durian!

So fruit that is non toxic to dogs can be a useful, and healthy addition to your dog's diet.

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