In hot climates, stray dogs are going to have ticks... guaranteed

in dogs •  6 months ago 

This is something that is just guaranteed. There is no way around it. I can't imagine how but these little buggers manage to survive somehow in cold environments as well although they are not as noticeable because they cannot live for very long off of a host in cold climates. In hot and tropical environments on the other hand, they absolutely thrive and they will eventually find their way onto every animal where they replicate like mad.

This hot time and wet time of year in Krabi, which is now, is the time where we start to notice them the most even though they are always there.


Dogs do a decent job of removing ticks on their own but they are incapable of reaching all the places that ticks tend to remain. Ticks go everywhere but they are scratched or flicked off outside of certain areas such as around the eyes and in the ears. They also tend to end up in the middle of dogs' backs because they can't reach there even though some of the dogs I have seen are rather good contortionists. People think that ticks somehow know to go to these areas but they don't really. What is really going on is that they go EVERYWHERE and these are the places that they don't get eliminated as quickly.


Normally on dogs ticks are just an annoyance more than anything else. The diseases that they can carry don't tend to transfer to the dogs and you will have to ask a veterinarian as to why that is. On the other hand, these diseases are something that humans are very susceptible to, and this can and should be a cause for alarm. Just ask any European about how expensive it is to treat Lyme disease as an example.


The above infestation was particularly bad.

Thankfully, this problem has an easy cure and I mention it so often it is almost like I am sponsored by them: Bravecto!


Bravecto does NOT sponsor us. I wish they would because we spend quite a lot of money on their product because it works. It is also something that most dogs are delighted to eat and anyone that has ever tried to trick a dog into taking pills can share in my pain about how difficult this process normally is. They gobble up the Bravecto as if it were a treat because it is a treat.

With just one treat all of those ticks are going to fall off. While some people think that picking the ticks off of a dog one by one is going to be effective, this is merely putting a Band-Aid on a gaping wound. The problem with this pick pick pick method is that if you don't do it to every single dog that this dog interacts with, they are just going to come right back as soon as they lie down with the pack. Also, while the engorged ticks are easy to spot, the ones that haven't fed yet or are too small are nearly microscopic to the point where they just look like a speck of dirt on the skin.

The "pick" method works for monkeys because of their heightened senses and the fact that they don't really have much else to do in their day other than sit around and groom one another.


Bravecto is available in some form or another all around the world. I am not aware of any country on the planet where this product is not available in some form because it exists in dosages for all weights of animals and many different types of animals. Just one treat will keep a dog (or cat) parasite-free for 3-6 months. Now imagine how much better their life will be if you do this for them? It only costs a few dollars per application so if you happen to come across a dog where you live that is covered in nasty ticks, maybe consider taking some of your coffee money and helping to change the life of a stray dog for the better?

Also, Merck (one of the makers of Bravecto), if you are out there somewhere, we really would really appreciate it if you would consider sponsoring us.

if you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at


Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.


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