Two life-saving measured taken this week

in dogs •  4 years ago 

A couple of cases were pointed out to us this week that required our immediate attention. Someone reported a severely skinny dog to us and also one that appeared to be as they described "very fat." As it turns out our intervention may have actually saved both the these dogs lives, especially the second one.


Having malnutrition pointed out to us is probably the only thing that we get calls for that annoys me. I say this because if the person who was concerned about the animal was willing enough to get involved that they would contact us, why not just feed the dog? Don't get me wrong, I am still happy that they told us because this sweet little girl probably didn't have much time left before things were going to get very bad for her. We have noted her location and will be making regular visit to feed both her and the rest of her pack.


The fact that anyone could walk by a creature that is looking like this and do nothing to help it is just beyond my realm of understanding. I understand that not everyone is a dog lover like we are, but certainly there is a sense of compassion inside of people somewhere, right?


The 2nd animal that was brought to our attention had an engorged belly but unlike what the callers had thought this was not a case of being "fat." This dog was also malnourished but had a rather serious infection in her lady parts. It is called pyometra and it is an infection of the uterus that is actually very common in (female) dogs that have not been sterilized. So if you have a female pet know that this is actually very common problem for dogs, even if they have a good and clean home with plenty of food.

As you can see in the picture she was not terribly receptive to being approached or helped and we had to lure her into a cage and even involved a net at one point. This is because she is constantly in pain and doesn't understand why. The veterinarian had to use a tranquilizer (edible, don't worry) in order to perform the operation. Had we not gotten to this dog when we did or soon to when we did she almost certainly would have died within a month. This infection is not something that a dog just gets past. A great way to ensure that your dog doesn't end up with this almost certainly life-threatening infection is to get them sterilized.

So it was a good day in the end because we know that we saved two more doggy lives, and that always makes us here at Krabi Animal Welfare feel good about our jobs.

If you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at


Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.


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