Here is my rotten Lilly, who owns a piece of my heart!

in dogsofsteemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

We were blessed, or cursed, with a little girl dachshund named Lilly. She was part of a triple rescue, and she was so rotten, we decided to keep this one.


She and her sisters Lola, and Violet came to us because of a divorce that broke up a family and the Lady could no longer afford these girls with a new Baby, so we took all three. We placed Violet the same day, and Lola within six months after surgery. Bur Lily reminded us of a dachshund we used to have (rotten Penny) so we kept her!

She is the smartest one we have, and they are all sharp! She took a cheeseburger from my wife last week, and did Not get caught! She would have made a legendary pick pocket I am sure. Rescues are a special blessing, and this one is a special rescue! We love this rotten girl terribly, and I thought you might like to meet her!

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LOL...she's rotten, but loved. Kind of like us....

Speak for yourself, I'M Not rotten, no...wait...oh never mind, ROFLOL!


lol....too funny...T. You DO crack me up sometimes.

Cracked up...No I got this...sun bathing on your stomach in the buff, right?


Oh my...Please, someone, make him stop!

I'll get him for you! Wait, which way did he go? Dang, he got away....


You would have been a great writer for "The Roadrunner."

Got any Acme Company nitro glycerin?

Sshhhhhhhh...ROFLOL! Don't tell anyone! :)

Were did Wylie Coyote get all his money? He was incompetent, thought he was smart, none of his plans actually worked, he had unlimited funding; Oh wait, he worked for the government!


hhaha! wow sir smithlabs that's quite a companion you got there. But how in the world could she steal a cheeseburger without getting caught?

Very Quietly, ROFLOL! Debbie did NOT even now she was there, until the cheeseburger was GONE! She is a heartless gutter snipe when food is involved, and VERY smart. One of the reasons she is so much fun, she misses Nothing!


sir smithlabs...haha! that dog sounds hilarious..but you just have to be aware of where you food is and where she is all the time!

She is just too slick. She just stole a brussel sprout off of my plate a few minutes ago. What she didn't know was that I slid it over there so she could reach it!

She enjoyed it more because it was stolen! I have a lot of fun with her....


haha! love it, that's so funny. the only thing you gotta watch I guess it to make sure what you're eating is good for her also!

I only let safe stuff get with in stealing range. She is a terrible little monster; I have so much fun with her! All the boy puppies let her get away with murder too, because she is the girl. She really milks that too, and takes food from all of them.


sir smithlabs! oh come on, really? the boys aren't as tough on her because she's a girl?

Absolutely, just like humans, ROFLOL! I have seen he take food out of their mouths, with no objections. She is a truly rotten girl, and it make her so much fun!

When I am up most of the night, it will be Debbie's fault, not the dogs; but I will blame them, because they are not armed! :) Besides, they could care less, LOL!


Philo says wazzzzzuuuup!

He is a Doll! I bet he is a lot of fun. I like it that he smiles with his whole face! But I think he needs a treat, ROFLOL!
