RE: Can’t Start the weekend yet!!

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Can’t Start the weekend yet!!

in doinwork •  7 years ago 

Double checking things is a good idea, but I feel that the law of diminishing returns could come into play...negative things could happen if they try to work guys 20 hours per day!...But I am glad that you seem to be doing alright!

The law of diminishing marginal returns states that, at some point, adding an additional factor of production results in smaller increases in output.

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When the lights are out we do what it takes to get them on. It’s our job and we love it. Believe it or not when we have been up for long periods of time we get more and more cautious.
Lineman are a special breed of people. We could turn in and call it a day at anytime. Overtime is optional, it’s our choice, and the $$ is Good 😉😉
15 hrs of double time.... I will take that to the bank and exchange for crypto. Ha ha ha

I am sure that many people appropriate the work that you guy do...I just dont want people to get hurt...I saw something that you might enjoy, its called 'cool-n-save'

I hear ya, I don’t wanna see people hurt either and that is why I take my job and all safety procedures very very seriously. #1 goal is for me and everyone I work with to go home every night with all their fingers and toes.
I will check it out. Thanks

Safety measures are important. That AC mister looks like a neat idea!