Have you put on your safety glasses?? How many times have I heard this!!!
You know guys you only get two eyes and we can take some chances in the world of do it yourself. I finally got to the point where if I run the table saw, circular saw or router, the safety glasses come out!
How many of you guys have had safety glasses on and STILL got something in your eye.....
Now here are some really cool safety glasses. They sure have come a long way! These are called Wiley X; originally created for the military, by a veteran. They were released for civilian use a few years ago, but remain the same military grade. The are OSHA approved, which means they are @silvetop approved! Most of these frames can even have a prescription added. I think I would just leave mine without a prescription as I am nearsighted and I usually don't wear prescription glasses when I am running my power tools.
I am going to get my hands slapped for this from my optician as she wants me to wear my safety glasses whenever I do any construction.
And guys, you have to listen to your optician, especially when she's your wife! :)
Everyone be safe running those power tools, and give @ silvertop an upvote and a resteem because I will be wearing MY safety glasses!!!! :)