Wool hanging Pixie

in doll •  7 years ago  (edited)


Here is another doll -- this is her as she was mounted on her card (the way I present them when selling or shipping) before being sent to a wonderful women in GA.

She is a hanging pixie and looks awesome as the light catches all her glass and crystal beads. All the wool I processed from 'in the grease' (I buy local wool in bulk and in the grease.. basically as it is when freshly sheered and nasty) to fully hand dyed and then felted, then I beaded her wings to refract light.

I hope you enjoy.

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Mamadini! She is gorgeous! Where do you sell them??? You are very talented, her eyes are so cool!

Thank you so very much.

I did have a site in which I would sell, but mostly I was selling from my fb art page and since I left fb a while ago I have not been getting my work out there, as far as online.

Every few months I do shows locally and kind of rely on that to get my work out there.... So the long and short of it is that I really do not have an outlet currently. I am terrible at business... and yet I am a prolific creator... it's like this balance of energies. Do you see my dilemma? ha

Most artist problem is not being prolific. You do need to get your charming art out there! I think people would love to be able to have your art in their homes. Maybe Etsy?

I tried etsy and found out fast that it's a clique game there, which saddened me. I really would love to have a couple great shops to work with. I am terrible at self promotions and approaching strangers... it always makes me feel gross. I have issues, I know. ugh.

Well your not gross, and your stuff is wonderful. Maybe someone can go with you that is good at it. Sad to hear that about Etsy.

I really need a rep to get my stuff into some cute little ma & pop shops... where does one find one of those?

Maybe pack a little bag of them and go to your favorite shops. I bet metaphysical shops would go nuts over your stuff.

I know that other people do that and I just can't seem to get myself in that mode -- plus, believe it or note, I'm an extreme introvert. Yes, I know how to interact with people but I am not comfy doing stuff like that, or anything that feels contrived in conversations and dealing with strangers. I do not shy away from interactions... I just do not seek them out either.

I'm an extreme introvert too, steemit works really well for me :)

Me too and I love the internet as an introvert!

Little mermaid fairy! I don't know why she reminded me of a mermaid too. I want to learn to felt so bad :)

I think you'd love it -- it's a true pursuit of pleasure and creativity. the Wool will heal you.

I love that you see a mermaid in her. :)

Please do a tutorial if it comes to you💚

I had done some years ago, I think they are on my old computer (if I can recall the login info...lol). Next time I play with the wool I will record the process via video for sure though. <3

Gorgeous gal! I can feel all the heart and soul you put into her! <3

I like that you point that out -- the dolls kind of become "alive" at a certain point, I'm not sure what that's about but it happens.... Fey Magic I guess. <3