Dark Times Are Ahead Of Us, Be Prepared For The Devaluation Of The Dollar:Jim Willie

in dollar •  8 years ago 

Jim Willie is the editor of the Hat Trick Letter, he is highly regarded as one of the leading experts on the gold and silver market. He is also highly regarded for his forecasts on currency related collapses, bank defaults, and predictions for gold and silver prices. You can find it on www.goldenjackass.com,

In this interview Jim begins with the death of the dollar. The petro dollar is collapsing as nations are moving away from the dollar and trading in their own currencies. Saudi Arabia is now in discussions with Russia as are other nations who are now turning to Russia and China.

As more nations turn to other currencies the dollar will be devalued and eventually the dollar will no longer be the receive currency of the world. Once this happens a domestic dollar will be introduced and this is when the devaluation begins. The dollar will be most likely devalued by 30% at first and then another 30%. There is a lot more in this interview which explains what is about to happen in the world we live in. .

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thank you Dave

Hey Dave, ( I remember back when you didn't even have 50 videos on YT )

I've listened to your guest for along time too, it's interesting because he's always got an answer about unusual things. What I would like to hear from him is more specifics and less generality. Because he's entertaining to listen to, but as I sit here, i can't think of one significant, paradigm shifting thing he suggested or predicted that actually manifested.

Surely I'm wrong, and even though Bo Polny is a Turd on his predictions, at least he puts his claims out and it's 50/50 chance he's right, despite almost always being wrong.

I'd put Jim Willie in the same camp as Polny. Interesting, entertaining, but not useful otherwise for navigating upcoming SocioEconomic pitfalls, etc.

I mean we listen to these guys for an edge, maybe a little sliver of insight and more often than not all we end up with is Hype, Fluff, or nothing ( aka: hot air ). I mean everything he said ( mostly ) we already know.

The worst thing that can happen is you start to cling on to their message until eventually everyone around you thinks you are the source of these ideas. It's just not healthy to talk like they do to the people you love. Nothing good can come from it... I doubt even they could deny that...


you've written a very interesting and differentiated comment.

Are you a Bot, set to comment on the longest reply or are you for real, because somehow you've been curated more than me for this post and you didn't even contribute anything, seems suspicious to me...

i'm not a bot. most of my comments i'm writing in chainbb, that's why i'm curated automatically.

cool cool.
I still think you could use a little oil on that squeaky elbow of yours...

great interview

Be prepared for the worst

Really a very good post and interesting information @x22report
i like it, thank for sharing

true that dollar is falling and crypto is rising

No fiat currency has ever lasted. The dollar is no different. It to will become worthless. It is a matter of when rather than if. Of course bitcoin and and all its contemplates may be a beta test ti see which will replace the dollar at the new world currency.WAKE UP FOLKS GET OUT OF THE DOLLAR AND INTO METALS AND CRYPTO !! Great interview. Troy

Jim Willie know what he's talking about .... For sure!
But .. Most people don't understand that he's talking about things that will come in a chain of things happen .. NOT regarding a DATE when things will happen.
Jim Never ever talk about when things will happen regarding dates .. He's only laying out a pattern that will happen .. And its up to each and everyone to see what he talks about happen one by one for many years now.
If the things he talk about will happen next week or next month or next year? .. No one knows including JW if you just listen to what he say ...