Can dolphins inspire whales? Lets' find out!

in dolphin •  8 years ago 

I'm going to behave as a self-appointed dolphin for Steemit. I'm going to monitor the "New" posts as often as I can and genuinely upvote and/or comment on those posts I find interesting and useful and follow those who appeal to me on a personal level. I'm curious to find out the level of control whales seem to have, I've read a number of posts already discussing this seemingly unbalanced influence system.

This much I know to be fact: I am not a whale nor am I likely to become one anytime soon. I'm not a huge fan of money buying influence, that's part of the problem raging throughout society now. I see this platform as a uniquely interesting system to bring balance to the force in this new community/world we are all building together.

So I will gladly slap the dolphin label on myself. I'm not here to make money, I have a job that pays the bills already. I'm here because I want to be part of a better world where whales get noticed and are appreciated while dolphins add value (and potentially earn value) by exerting their influence behind the scenes. No harpoons necessary.

The biggest benefit to being a dolphin is that I will be learning about many topics that I might otherwise have missed. I expect to become more knowledgeable on a number of related subjects! And learning has always been my highest excitement, it's win/win. :)

Thumbs up to all the dolphins out there making a difference!

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A noble thing to do. Hats off to you @epiphany. I'm pretty sure you will learn a lot. Keep it up!

Well so far today I learned how to make gluten-free cookies, saw some amazing pictures from the late 1800's out of Russia, learned a couple more Steemit tricks and watched some cool videos. It's impressive the rate at which new posts are coming in!