What is the current status of the Domino's website lawsuit?

in dom •  10 months ago 

Here are some updates on the Domino’s accessibility lawsuit

  • In 2016, a blind man took Domino's to court in California, declaring that the pizza chain's web-site and mobile application were not fully accessible to blind and visually impaired people which he claimed was violation of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).

  • The case went through quite a number of appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the case in 2019. The case ended up in the Supreme Court because it was a continuation of the previously existing case that found the ADA applied to Domino's online platforms.

  • In 2021, the company reached out-of-court settlement with the complainant and the matter dissolved.

  • Here the court ruled that commercial websites and apps will fall under the auspices of the ADA. Hence, various companies have now taken a step to evaluate and enhance the accessibility of online services.

  • Despite this, the main issues of the availability of standards, particularly what contributes to compliance and how strictly courts will deal with such issues, still arise. Lawsuits and litigations are still on, and undoubtedly, regulations on websites' accessibility have gone through the motions.

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