Domains in the Wild - Week 29

in domains •  6 years ago 


Week 29 (March 2019)

Welcome to Domains in the Wild. In this series I post images of domain names that I've spotted out and about in the real world. Then I write a bit about what I think of each one. It's easy to miss domain names, but they're all around us and play a key role in a companies branding, messaging and design. Spotting them and taking a photo is sort of a fun hunting game to play while you're out and it takes very little effort once you start looking for them. Once you start to play, you will start seeing domains everywhere without even trying.

If you catch any yourself, please share them with us all in the comments.

Without further delay, here are the domain names that I found in the wild recently...

The Domains

This post is a day late, but it's been hard to find domain in the wild this past week! They're everywhere but for some reason this week they were hiding from me! I don't know what to expect this week going forward, but I've decided to make sure that I snap a photo when I do see one. I've let a few go thinking, "Oh, I'll find a better one later." Well, my attitude has changed. From now on when I see one I'll snap a pic right away because you never know when they will go into hiding! Enjoy!


The first domain up is This domain belongs to a newer apartment building located in the Capitol Hill neighborhood here in Seattle.

At first glance this domain seems alright. It's an exact match of the building name and it would appear that it's the physical address too. However, it's not 'technically' the address of the building. The building's actual address is 840 E Denny Way but the building does share the corner with 101 Broadway so... it's close enough I suppose. Either way, I'm not usually a fan of mixing numbers and words in domains but this one is... tolerable. Domain is okay.


Next up is This domain belongs to a day spa offering treatments at their location in the Green Lake neighborhood of Seattle. The company is a chain and has a number of locations nationwide.

As for the domain, it's okay. It's not great but it's not terrible either. It has their name in it but is followed by 2 more words with makes it a bit longer than what would be ideal. They should make a push to buy from the current owner in my opinion.


Finally, we have This is the domain of a national company offering furniture rental services.

This is a great domain. It's an exact match of the company name. It's short, it's simple, it's easy to remember, and they've done a great job branding this name in many ways. Look at the truck, the company name is there, along with the exact match domain, and their phone number even ends with, "cort".

Well, that concludes this edition of Domains in the Wild.

If you enjoyed this post or have some domains in the wild to share, leave them in the comments and get an UPVOTE from me!

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CORT for the win! And the flashy red trucks help with the memorability factor. ☺️

Good point! Thanks for the comments @dfinney :) is not quite long enough, maybe they should go with
Just a thought. :)

Hey @summertooth! Welcome back!
I agree, it is a longer domain... no joke I have seen domains for sale as long as the one you came up with!
Thanks for stopping by!