Dominion Voting Systems donated to Clinton Foundation. Edward Perez, they say is an Elections Expert at OSET Institute which claims non-partisan while blatantly supporting a Democrat Agenda. Formerly worked for Hart InterCivic software that "glitched!"

in dominionvotingsystems •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Now consider this. . .

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Now Notice that there is a connection here, follow me on this.

In my former article (find source below) I broke down the fact that the media and Dominion Voting Services keep using this person named Edward Perez as if he is their Trump Card.

For example,

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But Note WHERE. ..

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Now That is the same company used by Oakland County in Michigan where it was verified. ..

a glitch in a different system switched over 1,200 Republican votes to Democrat. The switch initially caused County Commissioner Adam Kochenderfer to lose. Once the glitch was found, and the votes were properly attributed, Kochenderfer went from losing by 100 votes to winning by over 1,100.

And Edward Perez, whom they call Eddie, formerly worked for Hart InterCivic as their Director of Product Management.

Now Edward Perez as you can see, is at the OSET Institute, where they Feign to be Open Source and non partisan, but as shown in my previous article, when going to their site you see this right away. Note, they are scrubbing like crazy so please note OSET Foundation in the URL.

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Now on their page, not it states this under Edward Perez's information,

Edward is co-inventor of U.S. patent US8985435B2 in the domain of voting technology assigned to Hart InterCivic, Inc..

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According to World Tribune,

In May, reported on suspicions of election fraud in South Korea’s April election which saw the party of unpopular leftist President Moon Jae-In win in a landslide. Particular attention was paid to “a new field of digital fraud involving vote counting machines, computer hardware and software, and Huawei information network telecommunications equipment,” noted Tara O of the East Asia Research Center.

Voting machine manufacturers have acknowledged that some of their equipment allows for the transmission of election-night vote counts via modem, a vulnerability security experts say hackers could easily exploit.

In Georgia, glitches with software updates on Dominion Voting Systems equipment were reported in contested polling locations in Morgan and Stanley counties.

It Sure IS Interesting that Wikipedia makes these claims, which Shows they did not remember to be TestingTheNarrative Always. Must have taken at face value what the corporate owned media has been pumping out. ..

This is what they wrote,

Some have made false claims that Dominion had close ties to the Clinton family or other Democrats.[7] There is no evidence supporting these claims, which have been debunked by various groups including election technology experts, government and voting industry officials, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).[4][5][6]

YIKES because. . .

The Donor list for the Clinton Foundation put out by the Washington Post shows this,

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While looking for it, take a look at how these elitists simply move their money around into their own accounts while Virtue Signaling and telling you they're "Helping You!"

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Oh look. ..the Walmart Foundation and Walton foundation. I guess that adds up, if you look it up Hillary was the First Woman on Walmart's board. For We the People. . .right! Sure they are!

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John Poulos, one of the founders of

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Dominion Confirms Clinton Foundation Donation, Former Pelosi Staffer Link
By Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times, November 17, 2020:

Dominion Voting Systems has refuted claims about being biased toward Democratic officials during the Nov. 3 election, including allegations about a raid on a server in Germany as well as ties to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) However, it did note that it made a donation to the Bill- and Hillary Clinton-operated Clinton Foundation and did not dispute that a former staffer of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was hired as a lobbyist.
In a lengthy statement last week, the Colorado-based voting systems provider first refuted that it has any ties to Smartmatic, another voting software maker, but it did note that the two firms worked together in the Philippines and said it bought some assets from Smartmatic-linked Sequoia about 10 years ago, adding that the two companies had legal disputes. Some Trump campaign officials made claims in recent interviews that Smartmatic had links to Dominion.

According to WND,

Dominion said it "has no company ownership relationships with any member of the Pelosi family, the Feinstein family, or the Clinton Global Initiative, Smartmatic, Scytl, or any ties to Venezuela."

However, attorney Sidney Powell, who is representing President Trump in challenges to the election result, said in media interviews Dominion was used to obtain "rigged" results for Biden.

She promised forthcoming evidence will show the vote count was manipulated.

"It's a feature of the system that was designed with a backdoor, so that people could watch, in real time, and calculate with an algorithm how many votes they needed to change to make the result they wanted to create," Powell said Sunday on Sinclair's "America This Week with Eric Bolling." "It's incredibly disturbing, and we will hopefully have evidence of it before the end of the week that we can produce publicly."

Even Democratic leaders in Congress warned a year ago that Dominion voting systems are "prone to security problems."

The warnings came from Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Ron Wyden and Amy Klobuchar, and Democratic Rep. Mark Pocan.

Which is Interesting, the back door in and the patent by Edward Perez because Hillary was a patent attorney And she was integral in "the backdoor in" concerning Promis software.

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Sources and Connecting Articles,

Facebook Frames the Gig is Up on the GATES and their Virtue Signaling “Philanthropy!”
Charity aims to relieve the pain of a particular social problem, whereas philanthropy attempts to address the root cause of the problem.
Take a stab out Their Solution for the problem?**

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