Emails: Which Time?

in donald •  8 years ago  (edited)


Clinton's server was hacked sometime before December of 2012. She is under investigation for hacking attacks again. The first hack leaked information about a CIA base in Benghazi supporting security for the American Consulate.  She deleted over 30,000 emails before the FBI confiscated them. She stated to the public they had nothing to do with work. Tampering with evidence is against the law. 

FBI Testimony 

 Years later the DNC was hacked in 2016 and an unknown number of emails were taken. A partial supply of emails have been released online. There are more to come and the source is not Russian, he runs The amount taken and left to be revealed has never been confirmed, somewhere around 20,000. The hacked emails on can be searched by word or phrase. 

 Trump stops his speech Aug. 1, 2016 in Ohio, looks directly into the cameras and said, "Russia if you have the 30,000 some odd emails, the media would love to have them." Everyone in the room and watching the speech, in its entirety, knows he was kidding. That investigation was over. 

Hillary herself stated she would never do it again. 

The media went crazy and had thirty news broadcasts over the comment in one day. making up conversations about Trump and Putin kickin' it. They didn't even know which set of emails they were discussing calling each event the same and, was still wrong on which one they picked to talk about all day.  So, what's the big issue? It sounds like the Left Wing and all ComcastNBC affiliates (HuffingtonPost, AP, Ruiters, CNN, NBC, ABC, etc.) are calling the Russian President stupid and that he can't take a joke. Well, I've watched plenty of his speeches and interviews and I'd have to say…, he is definitely smarter than you think. If you have a moment look up him up

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