Donaldmarshall Confession About Illuminati formally known as Vril Society #My Contribution

in donaldmarshall •  7 years ago 


I was reading some of the viral post by fellow Steemians which revealing a confession about a man called Donald Marshall of which @fulltimegeek bring this topic up to help donaldmarshall who is “Hero” that confessed to the world what he went through.

When I read through some of this findings by steemians, I found click some link which and found my way to exact Facebook page and website which Its took me some hour to read and after reading I went to watched some of the videos cited by this man called Donald Marshall, before I watched two to three videos, I was convinced about what this man confessed regarding his cloning situation being a formal member of Vril society.

As Donald Marshall revealed on his Facebook page, DonaldMarshall, a clone himself, is an otherwise normal guy who had the bad luck of finding himself in a so-called “cloning station” run by Queen Elizabeth. When Marshall was born, his family was already living in the cloning center. Yet in all his writings and interviews, he never specifies exactly why his family lived in this clandestine Illuminati palace in the first place.

I continue reading his confession and has me interested so much to write something about his confession, but at first, I was wondering what is the meaning of “Clone” is clone really means a person will existence forever or what? which I want to believe some of you reading this will be asking oneself, what this guy meant or what is he talking about, well, let me quickly take you to my findings about what “Cloning" meaning and the source which has me understood the true meaning of clone.

Cloning Definition:

Cloning is the process of taking genetic information from one living thing and creating identical copies of it. The copied material is called a clone. Geneticists have cloned cells, tissues, genes and entire animals. Aalthough this process may seem futuristic, nature has been doing it for millions of years. For example, identical twins have almost identical DNA, and asexual reproduction in some plants and organisms can produce genetically identical offspring. And scientists make genetic doubles in the lab, though the process is a little different.[Source](hello

This definition is from advanced dictionary: Clone: A living organism originally a plant or plant produced asexually from a single ancestor, to which it is generally identical or a copy or imitation of something already existing, especially when designed to stimulate it, and finally clone means a group of identical cells derived from a single cell.

NBYou will find out that even though definition are from different source but the meaning still the same. **In Summary to me Cloning is a form of creating identical copies of something either in animal or plants through asexual means and grow it artificially.

I bet many will be wondering how cloning works?

Well, I had the same feeling until I further read and watched related video on YouTube about cloning, before i could had a basic knowledge about being cloned.

I find out from this source which stated that “there are three different types of cloning, according to the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI):

-Gene cloning: In gene cloning, a genetic engineer extracts DNA from an organism and then uses enzymes to break the bonds between nucleotides (the basic building blocks of DNA) and snip the strand into gene-size pieces, according to the University of Nebraska. Plasmids, small bits of DNA in bacterial cells, are combined with the genes. Then, they are transferred into living bacteria. These bacteria are allowed to grow into colonies to be studied. When a colony of bacteria containing a gene of interest is located, the bacteria can be propagated to make millions of copies of the plasmids. Then, the plasmids can be extracted for gene modification and transformation.

Transformation is the step in which the new genetic material is transferred to a new organism, which changed it genetically. The organism, such as a plant, is grown, and the seeds they produce have inherited the new genetic properties.

  • Reproductive cloning: In reproductive cloning, a genetic engineer removes a mature somatic cell (any cell except for reproductive cells) from an organism and transfers the DNA into an egg cell that has had its own DNA removed, according to the NHGRI. Then, the egg is jump-started chemically to start the reproductive process. Finally, the egg is implanted into the uterus of a female of the same species as the egg.Source

One things that make this clone interesting to me is that, if you love something very well either of your bets, you can cloned them and when original is gone you could still have copied of it with you, is that not interesting?

There are many advantages of the clone and the other side of advantages as well, when I continue research this topic there are many interesting about this but seem its contrarily to the nature, we all know law of nature, born, grow and die. But with clone is against the nature entirely, notwithstanding let me further explained in some of the advantages and disadvantages of cloning.

Advantages of Cloning:

  • BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN TO INFERILE COUPLES: couple who are not able or unable to naturally conceive would be able to clone themselves in order to have a biological child. This would also open the possibility for gay or lesbian couples have child that contains both parents DNA and genes.

  • MEDICAL ADVANCEMENT BOOM: Once the process of cloning humans is perfected and becomes a common practice, many other worlds of medical research would be expanded. This would result in improved medicines and even possibly cures for terminal and deadly diseases.

  • COMPENSATING A LOSS: Parents who have lose a child could clone them and have their child back. This would also go for someone who lost a spouse or other family member. This breaches into the more controversial side of human cloning, but is an advantage none the less.

PROLONGED LIFE: If a person is aging, they could have their young cell cloned in order to preserve their youth. This would be done with the technology of human cloning, and could prolong the average life span of human being dramatically.

  • DESIGNER BABIES: Cloning would allow future parents to theoretically choose the traits of their baby. The genes of these traits could be inserted into the embryo to ensure that they have them.

  • BRING BACK GREAT MINDS: Legendary, genius, and influential people could be brought back using human cloning. This means that we could possibly create a dozen Einsteins or Abraham Lincolns to come and help solve Worlds problems.

Now to Disadvantages of Cloning:

  • CURRENTLY LOW SUCCESS RATES:with the current information on the process of human cloning, there seems to be very limited success. Out of the animal testing on cloning that have been conducting, only about 3 percent have been successful.

  • DEVELOPMENT OF NEW ILLNESS: when you are creating entirely new forms of genes, you run the risk of also developing new illnesses and diseases. The extent and effects of these could be devastating.

  • DIVISION IN SOCIETY: people who are cloned would likely be viewed as lesser citizens than those who were conceived naturally. This would bring an entirely new breed of racism and prejudice to the world that could cause devastating social divides. Clones would feel as though they are not as much as human as other people.

  • MORAL AND ETHICAL PROBLEMS: religion and cultural problems have played the largest part in the argument against human cloning. Many people believe that cloning a human being is “playing God” and should not be done under any circumstance.

  • SLAVERY AND TOTALITARIANISM AND WORLD POPULATION CONTROL: If really you want or support “Cloning” then you want to a person like Hitler be cloned and stay alive forever? I bet CAPITAL “NO”Source

If you want to search about Marshall’s further discussions on the matter Its been extensive. A Google search for “Donald Marshall cloning” brings up lot's of different results, many of which weren’t even written by Marshall himself.

Nearly every clone-related conspiracy blog out there has discussed him or his tale, and it’s hard to find a video that makes mention of celebrity cloning without alluding to some aspect of the Donald Marshall canon. The basics of his story (which do occasionally shift) go something like this: During his time at the cloning station, Marshall discovered that the entire operation is run by a collective consisting of the Freemasons, a group called “The Vril Society,” and of course, Scientologists.

This secret society super-group is what we know today as the ever-elusive Illuminati. Members of the Illuminati (which naturally include all the G20 world leaders) typically meet in subterranean bunkers. The very same bunkers that, according to Marshall, house what has become a highly lucrative network of celebrity cloning farms. The cloning part of the operation didn’t actually start until sometime after World War II, at which point, and as Marshall explains in his Facebook post, “The political people started bringing movie stars and musicians there to hang around with them, they can control who remembers the cloning facility and who will remain oblivious even though not remembering still damages you.”

Some of these clones are used for mere entertainment value (gladiator-style wrestling bouts, sexual perversions, and Illuminati ritual sacrifices. Others are kept as precautionary measures should the clone’s original ever need a new liver. If you saw 2005 sci-fi flick The Island, you already know exactly what I’m talking about—because in a fit of hubris, The Island was produced by none other than the Illuminati themselves.

Donald Marshall was being torture for blew whistle out their occultist ritual sacrifices and their sexual perversion. Following me up as in continue in my findings in helping Donald Marshall an “Hero” who sacrificed everything to confessed this evil practice by this group to save our society.

Disclaimer: This information was research and source of information were provided in contributing to @fulltimegeek requested to help Donald Marshall and our society as whole, for more information and to read more about this subject matter, consider look up @fulltimegeek page.

Some of the source of Information link: Source

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