FullTimeGeek Is Looking For Someone To Reward

in donaldmarshall •  6 years ago  (edited)


If you're a good writer and know about whistle-blower #DonaldMarshall please reach out to me. I can reward you ~$1,500 - $3,000 per month for your efforts.

Job Duties:

  • Write one article Mon-Fri on any of the following subjects:

Each post will receive a 100% ($70-$100) up-vote from me. I will pick 3 CANDIDATES within 24hrs. Afterwards, I will request a sample article from each candidate and up-vote them 100% win-or-lose ... But, I'll probably have Donald Marshall himself pick the winner.

Who is Donald Marshall?

Here is an excellent interview he did with TheHighersideChats not too long ago:

This offer is also mentioned on my twitter: my tweet

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Hello @fulltimegeek,

Banter Resumé Line - Since I am 4 months old and I have 2300 followers and 63 rep, I consider myself a good writer.

Of course this is subjective, so you should check my posts, although I'm pretty sure you know them by now since you made me one of your Stewards.

I also proved that I can deliver daily, so there's that :D

Plus, my professional background is in content writing so that's where I'm comfortable. If you'd like to discuss this further, just add me on Discord or contact me:

I have severall blogs on Science already and I know Donald Marshall, his tweeter is a good follow some days... some others, well, skippable.

I'm confident I can pull this off and make it work ASAP.

Ready to start whenever you give me nod.


@spiritualmax ... YESSSSS! ... You already knowing who he is definitely a bonus ... I shall surely consider you as one of the top 3 candidates.

Cool! Thank you very much man!

I'd love to tackle this, Vrill, Parasitical Hosts, their connection to ancient civilizations, masonry, scientology etc are all really cool things to write about.

I'd love it, heck I can even write more than just 5 per week.


WOW ... Yea, you're definitely one of my candidates ... I love that you're also willing to write more than 5 per week. At least one a day would be perfect.

Since it's ultimately up to Donald who gets picked I may increase the # of winners and choose a 2nd person myself. I am more than willing to throw 20% of my STEEM Power to this cause. I might even make it 30% and choose a third.

Bringing in 3 People in total would bring in more uniqueness to the humancloning hashtag.

I fully agree with this, and even proposed in my comment below another possible way to approach these tasks.

Heh! Cool! Well then, keep me posted!


Though I would love to be on the receiving end of even one of your upvotes ftg, I haven't got the skills for this.
@spiritualmax on the other hand will definitely produce some high quality articles that I can't wait to read :)
Human cloning... wtf? Here I go down another rabbit hole...

What about me? You should take quality over quantity... I can produce 1-2 quality articles per week.. I'm a good researcher. I just want people to read my blog. My objective is to take out the NWO!!! I'm not in this to make money... I only need enough to keep my bandwidth rolling and donate to my favorite content creators... You never read my blog anymore... I miss your coments and upvotes....

I've been with max basically since i started on steemit and with his writing skills I know he's the dude for the job!

I would apply but I didn't really know who this guy was until I read this!

This is the real guy.

I believe that @spiritualmax can deliver best content and that too persistently👍🏻

All the best buddy😊

Thank you very much for your support looftee :D


Hey there @fulltimegeek!

I would like to be considered for this position.

You can check my profile to see if you like the quality of the posts I make. I tend to write about several subjects, always with proper formatting in my opinion.

About being a good writer, I think I am one. For example, I have been participating for 3 weeks in the weekly @originalworks contest, which consists in researching a different blockchain project each week, and I have been reaching position 2, 3 and 6 out ot hundreds of entries, which is pretty good having in mind I am just starting to participate on that weekly contest. Because of this, I think of myself as a really good researcher and certainly able to go down the rabbit hole with this.

I would also like to chat with you (I am dedicatedguy on discord and steem.chat) about the possibility of approaching this in a more "decentralized" way. For example, have you considered opening a new account exclusively to share articles about this subject, and have rotating authors?. That is just an idea.

Either way, I hope you can consider me for this.

Cheers and thanks for this opportunity!

i wrote a story - i think i missed the deadline though. But i would still like it to be read. It's very strange- https://steemit.com/humancloning/@cloudbuster/human-cloning-the-manakin

I don't know anything about Donald Marshall, but I'm a good writer and I like money. Is that good enough???

This coming late here
But I think i can write about him if considered for the job.

Hmmm, I am vaguely familiar with Donald Marshall; thanks to my fascination with Edward Snowden and WIkileaks- exposing things, etc.

I used to be a newspaper reporter/staff writer from 1999-2009, plus been a freelance writer, ghost writer and stringer for 19 years.

I don't have much experience with cloning, science, etc but would be possibly willing to attempt. I am fairly versatile and have prolific writing skills.

Maybe find me on Discord if you want to chat it up and learn more... have a great MONDAY!!

Nice x 100 ! Good to hear from you @goldendawne, especially regarding this subject .... I will surely consider you as one of the 3 candidates for fulfilling this role!

Sorry, @fulltimegeek! I live under a rock. I know a little, but not enough to feel confident to do what you require.

I think I'm under a rock near by.

Sound initiative though @fulltimegeek!

Count me in @Fulltimegeek.
Some quick clarifications:

  • Are the posts to be made on my blog?
  • Must it be everyday?
  • Can I contact you somewhere? Steem.chat or Discord?


Are the posts to be made on my blog?


Must it be everyday?

Minimum 1 a day Mon-Fri

Can I contact you somewhere? Steem.chat or Discord?

Why not add value to the blockchain and conversate here?

Donald Marshall, now there's a blast from the past... I wrote about him over a year ago when I was researching The Royal Cannibals and the missing children from Kamloops, when I was writing about pedogate.

You know I've been meaning to look into this guy (as per your suggestion). It already looks like some topics I'm interested in and have written about before (human cloning).

Ok! :D


I enjoy your work very much. We need more work like your writing, I mostly write about dystopian futures. Which include some AI development.

Hey, thanks! I appreciate that. Steem on.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hi there,

I have done alot of research in the past about cloning & know about what has been going on for awhile now in the cloning space.

I write blog posts often and can be a great importance to what you are seeking in terms of a dedicated writer.
Especially on this subject.
I have plenty of spare time on my hands. Thus more focus to create true qualitative work.

Please reply to my message or private message me.
I am interested in becoming a part of your team!

Thank-you for this opportunity.


Be careful, you can’t use a copyrighted work without express authorization from the owner. Stock photo services require you to pay for a license! You can't put a picture with watermark!!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thank-you for the advice.

I didnt see the watermark.

resteem for everyone know it ;)

much appreciated :)

welcome,hope you get good writer this time :D

I'm a good investigator and reporter. Read my latest blog about 911. I stopped blogging because I ran out of bandwidth. I need some fulltimegeek upvotes to pay for my bandwidth. God bless

good job friends thank you to post a very cool

Awesome, this will be a great thing to lookforward to, resteemed! Where do we reach out to you pls

he's on facebook. I have him as a friend there.

he's on facebook.

Don't remind me brah! lol ... But, yea, I've been trying to get him off there for 2 years now ...

YES! Thanks for making a post about this, I'll share it all over.

There's only one thing left for us to do now ... DANCE PARTY!

These are the coolest dudes XD

I am a writer and I'm in.

This is very exciting and I would love to do it, you have done or published a very big post this time, and whether I can try to do it @fulltimegeek

I was just watching this video the other day.... I turned a former company in to the government once.... They got some big fines from me.

I'll be in for this contest.
Please give answers to the following questions

  • Will the post be made on our blog
  • will be make different post about our choice everyday i:e Mon-Fri
  • can we write on more than one topic

Thanks for this great opportunity

Hi @fulltimegeek, I've done Masters and M.Phil in Mass Communication. On professionl side, I've been working content writer,copy writer, ghost writer and scrip writer now for almost a decade. I plan to be full time writer and what you came up with is something I'd love to do.

I resteem, so that more people know.

Dang, wish I could be that guy :)
Is there any other type of niche or subject you'd be interested to reward?

My highest priority right now is to get information out that is time sensitive ...

That's awesome. You'd get the right person soon enough.

Did you want to be a candidate? I wasn't sure from your first response.

Hahaha, am all in!

Um, in the interests of accuracy, you ain't paying them, WE are paying them.
All votes take from the common pool, you, nor the vote sellers, own that pool, it belongs to all of us and when you vote out of it the money comes out of all the votes given during that time period.
The votes I get will be less valuable by whatever percentage of the sp that you voted, this is how the math works.

To be even more acurate We arnt paying anyone, you nor I nor fulltimegeek, the system is split between all the votes, the amount of weight is what calulates the amount of value to the vote in SBD and or Steem.

Another thing the pool belongs to no one you cant claim it belongs to all of us. You do not have have a right to earn here this is not a basic income system.

Which is odd since you claim to be a anti-socialist




I’m yer huckleberry...


Wow, so well I can write about him, if I research about it right?

I am sorry to say that I cannot help you, my English is not that good. But I will resteem to my followers.

I wish I was not experiencing terrible writers block because I would be so down for this! I hope you have more opportunities like this in the future @fulltimegeek <3

I just listened to this very long recording, and although it seems so farfetched and totally weird, I am totally interested now! This is seriously disturbing and enlightening all at the same time. It is frightening that this might even be true, but this might explain more about this crazy world we live in!

It is frightening that this might even be true, but this might explain more about this crazy world we live in!

I agree, this world is nuts!

Wow...nice offer @fulltimegeek
I think i can write pretty well...you can check if you have spare time,but i had no idea who Donald Marshall is until now...

I'd not heard of Donald Marshall before reading this post but I had seen other people speak about the subject (B.O.B was one of them) of cloning and have little doubt myself that human cloning has been possible and happening for some time. I watched the video and even to me who has spent quite a few years now looking into various 'conspiracies' some of the stuff Donald was saying was pretty outlandish. He also had a way of avoiding answering questions directly and by the time he finished rambling about whatever tangent he went on I had forgotten the question.

He also seems to have a very high opinion of himself and it was hard to take him seriously when he said that the reason the music industry was putting out shit songs was because he had stopped writing them all.

It was quite a bizarre interview overall and I wish he had spoken a bit more about the technology and how consciousness was transferred etc rather than talking about himself.

Fair play to you though for trying to get info out there and putting your money where your mouth is. Perhaps I just need to do a bit more digging into the subject. Regardless of any of that, you've introduced me to some ideas and views that I had not heard before and for that I am grateful.

Dayum. That's an amazing offer!

I don't consider myself a "good" writer by any means and I'm unfortunately not experienced enough to take on such projects, but I love the opportunity this will give others to be rewarded greatly for their efforts meanwhile it will also increase their visibility and boost the motivation at the same time.

Well done & good luck!

5 articles a week, are you planning on to write a book in future and consolidate the content now?


I write on science and fiction.i am also a full time ghostwriter. Damn, I saw this post late. And it is just perfect for me.
I'm currently writing a biography series on interesting people. There is no doubt Donald Marshall would be an interesting one. Human cloning and vrill? Count me in.

I actually went outside into the forest

That was hard.

Never going outside again

Excellent article. I went to look for information about Donald Marshall. I can not miss such an undertaking organized by you. Good luck to you and Love.

Отличная статья. Пошел я искать информацию о Donald Marshall. Я не могу пропустить такую затею организованную Вами. Удачи Вам и Любви.

I'm glad to identify here..
When will the contest start?
Is it from next week monday?..

English only?

You're more than welcome to write #DonaldMarshall blogs in Spanish and I'll try to support you as much as I can.

Love the Higher Side Chats! One of my favorite PodCasts. Definitely going to follow up on this post as have been involved with para/outside the box researchers for years. The hell with the reward, wish we had more content like HSC covers on Steemit. Great topics and certainly look forward to following up on this post.

Hey, I just noticed this thing and made a post. Hope it's not too late.

Here's the link

Nice Megadeth cover, its almost as awesome as Rust in Peace ;-)

Wow good deal. I can write about Human Cloning. I learned from FamilyTreeDNA that my YDNa is E1b1b1 M35 .... the same as Albert Einstein and the Wright Brothers..... And I started thinking that we should clone Albert Einstein and the Wright Brothers if possible.

I CANNOT believe I missed this, even after Max said he was writing something for you. I've been following all topics for years now. So bummed.

Congrats to Winner!

Oh I read about this man .... About his life when he fell at the hands of those guys called illum. I wish I see this fresh post, I will like to contribute but I think it's late already.. let the information continue to be spreading across to expose evil doers.

I am very excited for this you know my stand in AI and Human replicant :) (cloning)

Thanks for the entry @chronocrypto ... I'm loving your new avatar btw :)

It is, indeed, quite nifty...

Thank you, It was done by one of our fellow steemians.