Reptilian Survival Guide I: How To Spot a Vril Drone?

in donaldmarshall •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello there,

So I decided that I should start this off by letting you know just how to identify if you're speaking with a Vril Drone.

For those of you who don't know what a Drone is, a Drone is basically someone who was infected through a Vril's proboscis to the eye (some people even claim drones are able to infect other drones, though that is unknown) to take over the host.

Having said that, you can see importance of knowing whether you're talking to a fellow human or a drone.

Read below to see an early alert, and a sure shot sign that you're talking to a drone...

Unreliable Sign: A Swolen or Wounded Eye Raises Suspicions!

As stated before, Vril - or "Reptilians" - infect humans through a proboscis they launch into an eye of the victim.

The proboscis sends a parasitic agent to the person's brain, and the eye is the perfect spot to infect since it gives it a clear path towards the inside of the skull.

An early sign you may be looking at a drone is a swolen eye, or an injured eye.

Most of the times, the majority of them, the infection process leaves an eye injury or a swolen eye.

Here are some examples of what I'm talking about:

(In the world of Politics)

(In the world of Music)

(The Illuminati)

(God Save The Queen)

Why do I say that this serves to raise suspicions?

Well, as I said in an earlier post, I'm a man of science and I want everything with a high degree of certainty...

We ALL KNOW that these things can happen due to any health problems, biological traits, flaws and so on...

Simply put, that person can be a drone... or NOT!

So, this is an early warning sign, but you need a sure-shot way, and that's where we're going next...

Pay attention, this is important.

100% Sure Way to Tell: Eye Flashes

If you really want to make sure that person is a drone, then you need to always look at the eyes to spot what I call "Neural Eye Flashes".

Different researchers call it different things, but the phenomenon is always the same, and that's why it's the sure-shot way to tell if that person is a drone or not:


This is why it matters so much. 100% of the drones have these "Neural Eye Flashes" from time to time, and no one else has them, so if you see it - BE CAREFUL! It's a drone.

How does it look like?

Well, I'm not even going to tell you because I'm going to SHOW YOU!


...and you'll notice it is ALWAYS exactly the same.

Here we go, ready?

First Source: YouTube Vid by Mario Delfino
Event: Interview
Time Stamp: 1:13

Second Source YouTube Vid by The Reptilian Conspiracy
Event: News
Time Stamp: 0:15

Second Source Home Recording by Shane Clephane
Event: News
Time Stamp: 0:42

These are only 3 examples to show you what these "Neural Eye Flashes" look like.

As you can see, people have been noticing them but many don't know what this is... some point out aliens, others claim reptilian holographic technology, some even go out with stranger explanations.

But the truth is, these happen to all drones... and there are two possible explanations being argued:

  • Some researchers claim they are drones from Vril Type III (the ones #DonaldMarshall encountered personally) and these eye flashes happen due to the parasite;
  • Some researchers claim they are Vril themselves, only Vril Type II, the most dangerous on Earth due to their highly manipulative nature and intelligence above that of any human.

To my knowledge Donald never encountered Vril Type II, or Vril Type I, but as far as Vril Type III there isn't any other source out there better than him - perhaps only if we look at the distant past can we get other reliable witnesses.

Vril Type I aren't present in our Solar System... Vril Type II seem too rare from my experience in order to make the second explanation plausible, so everything points out to what Donald Marshall says:

  • These are Drones and the cause of the Neural Eye Flashes is the parasite.

I agree with him and my research backs that up.

Regardless of the case, be careful and if you ever spot one of these - GET AWAY!!!

Finally, see how I don't have to explain how they look like? There's plenty of material out there, and it is always the same.

That's the good thing about facts - they don't get influenced by whether you believe it or not.

Believe it or not... it happens all the same!

What To Do When Talking to a Vril Drone? Staying Safe!

So, now that you know how to spot and identify a drone in a 100% way... what do you do if you ever find yourself talking to one?

First of all, remain calm as you CAN'T have him suspect you noticed anything weird.

As you know, Vril aren't fond of being discovered, and if you're meeting one in person well - better not have him notice.

Secondly, don't talk too much... listen to what he has to say, agree and if possible assure him that you agree with what they're saying if they are talking about politics, religion, the way the world works.

Sometimes they don't speak of these vital things but build rapport or "idle chat" with you.


If a drone is having an idle chatter or rapport, do the above, but you NEED to think about WHY he's doing it when you are safely away from them.

Who is he trying to reach?

What impact do you have in the world?

Who is among your network of contacts that may have influence on a certain topic that pulls strings in a way that can change big things?

There's always a reason... find out what that is and if possible get away from it.

We need to be organized to do something, you alone can't do squat...for now!

In Conclusion:

I hope this blog post has helped you and that you now have a better idea on how to identify and face Drones.

Stay safe, and watchful!

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Interestingly enough... You could tell thousands of people and they wouldn't even realize it until its to late.

It's much easier, if spotted to act like one doesn't notice. LOL!
IT's super freaky to see in person.

I agree with you more than you know@eaglespirit

Please, share your story.


This "Neural Eye Flashes" theory is an interesting concept I haven't heard off. It seems as if there might be an ounce of truth to David Icke's shape shifting mumbo jumbo after all. If this phenomenon is empirical truth that someone is a host of Vrill then we're obviously onto something BIG here ...

I have noticed this a few years ago going through video's. I was surprised to see how many there were.

The eyes flashing is more like they go black, but its happens very quickly. A person has to want to "see" for it to be exposed. They are among us.

Being a Geek, would you be able to tell if I were a Drone by reading one of my Posts...???

Droopy eyes where one eye is lower and maybe smaller in opening than the other is one of the signs that this person has been mind controlled. Or at the very least the attempt at mind control has been done. This is usually done by electro shock therapy and the goal is to split the mind into different "alters" Crazy and complicate stuff! Great article btw.

Thanks... interesting... so you don't think all cases are through a proboscis?

Every case of this cant be (im sure some are) and many of these people have photos of themselves where the eyes are normal when they are younger and than after this MK electro therapy over time later in life one of the eyes starts to droop.

Very cool pics man! Thanks.

No problem. Its interesting and sad, that lots of very wealthy affluent people have this in there later years.

One more thing I'll like to add to the convo ... it is said that Vril type 1 are the smaller ones with the parasitical proboscis. Vril type 3 are the taller ones that look like the alien, from Star Wars Episode 2, when they're young:


And like Pumpkinhead from the horror movie when they're old:


Check @spiritualmax's last post if you can... I want your permission for something

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Oh crap!

Well, I have no credible eye flashes on this guy yet, only badly shopped ones...

I also have a closed encounter with what they called reptilian. It was happened last 2016 in a public transport. Usually, I drive my car going from place to place. But that time, I have missed place key somewhere. It's around 1 p.m. the time I made a closed encounter.

I notice these humaniod seating just infront of me. He wear a white polo and a jeans. I am not so sure if other passenger notice it's weird creature too. He have an eye look exactly like what a lizard have but much bigger, a two elongated hole as his nose perhaps and it looks like he doesn't have a mouth. All over his face he have a golden scale that shine everytime the ray of the hit it.

I never told this story to anyone and today is my first time to tell about it.

I've experienced them differently, it was quite freaky. More with the eyes than a skin tone. Wild experience you had!

Thank you very much for sharing your story my friend.

It's very weird that only you could see it... I'm thinking some kind of cloaking device that malfunction on a certain wave lenght only you could perceive or something... Truly above any of our heads... would love to have witnessed it first-hand, it would do a lot for my research.

How do we know these aren't all photoshopped? I am skeptical as I'm only just learning of Vril now. I've heard of reptilians but have always dismissed the idea. But you seem to have done your research and I am opened minded so I'll give it a shot.

Check my post for yesterday... the one right before my latest post... those evidences aren't photoshopped and everyone can verify them.

I am not full sold on the reptilian (or vril parasite) least not yet 😉

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

i thought Jennifer Aniston was one but i couldn't prove it :)tumblr_m194xrFpFJ1r982mk.gif

we are coming to see thats the majority of celebrities, you can tell by the fact that she barely ages. also look at how she looked from
when she first started in the business and now. reports of “surgeries”, etc.

That's true. I didn't catch on to this one. She's as sexy as ever... hm...

i forgot you were scanning everyones posts 🤣🤣

with all your commenting advertise our zombie contest!! 😛

I will need to keep my eyes open. Sometimes it happens so fast that you can't see it.

Shit how do i defend my selves against these "reptilian" creatures?

Press X

Forest Whitaker is a drone!? Not happy about this news. Knew about all the rest (except beyonce - very unfortunate too). But thank you for keeping us informed. An excellent post, scrupulously detailed with solid evidence and hard facts. Also I think someone on my street is a drone, has a very lazy eye - should I call the police and tell them? They asked me how old my dog was. I told them 12. They said "they look a lot younger than that". I said "well Chihuahuas age well." Did I spill too much information? Am I being paranoid? They may know about what i'm doing on Steem. Very worried. Starting to think this whole thing is getting me into the deep end, in way over my head. Pray to Jesus for me please.

I don't know for sure since I didn't catch any flashing from him, it can be just a lazy eye indeed... But that is clearly Morgan Freeman, the guy who made Dr. Dolittle.

I hope you're safe.

I'm not but don't worry about me. Keep yourself safe - you're blowing some major whistles here. Tread very carefully on this stuff, dig too deep you might find a balrog. Also do you have a background in journalism / research? Very good content.

Hang on I just noticed that the queen is part of all of this? Is this a joke or serious?

Ive seen the queens face change around the eyebrows and eyes while watching a documentary, it was in a close up. The way it was, was definitely not from pixels

My aunt had a lazy eye for her whole life. I was very close with her, but she was far from political and all. Yes she was religious but not one to preach on you. Like it's said, this part is unreliable.

you crack me up!! Buahahaahah

Like it's said, this part is unreliable.