The state just really wants that foreskin removed from the genitals of that child...

in donaldmarshall •  5 years ago 

This should say something you bout the state of the leadership that does this.

Also.. Forcefully signing a consent form.

I fucking despise this topic, as though mutilating a boys genitals is some kind of decision that needs warring over.

We've outlawed female genital mutilation, but for boys its different.

This is one of the open secret inequalities against men that many just kinda ignore.

I've sat in a university lecture and and spoke against male circumcision comparing it to female circumcision and had nearly every female in that room utter all at once "Its just skin".

As if it just being skin makes any difference.

Ya, how bout I just remove ya Eyelids from your fucking indignant face cuz after all, its just skin.

You know Why Male circumcision is the norm in America? The hospitals keep the foreskin and can secretly gather the DNA to then use as a way of perpetuating REM Cloning.

Literally... Everyone.. Who has Ever been born in a hospital... They have Your DNA.

This is a way they get it from boys.

Girls are different, your DNA gets taken at hospitals too but also as you grow up, you're gonna go for a gynecological exam, you're gonna get a pap smear, you're gonna dispose of tampons, all that jazz.

Those tests yield really rich amounts of cells to use to create REM clones of you. Girls leave alot of DNA about the place is what im saying. Moreso than boys.

But If you believe what I am saying about REM cloning, just think about it.. If REM cloning exists, if rich elites WANTED to gather your DNA... Its literally more than easy to acquire it.. If you've been arrested, they take your DNA.. If you've been born in a hospital, if you've been to a doctor, if you fkin recycle. Basically you can't keep them from Getting your DNA.

It is so fucking absurdly easy to gather your DNA but telling people you don't want to give DNA because someone could clone you from it they'll look at you strange, as if there isn't a colossal list of creatures that have been cloned that you can find on wikipedia, and specific laws existing to ban human cloning.

Cloning is still just a funny sci-fi concept to most people.

Trust me, its been done decades ago.

and they use boys foreskins to do it, they are so pathetic.

And its even more pathetic that circumcision is even a thing at all, never mind a literal standard practice for basically all men in the US.

A girl I once dated from the US was surprised by me because she had actually Never seen an uncircumcised man, she was in her 20s.

When something is so normalized people tend to overlook it.

We harp on and on about how women are mistreated in the west meanwhile in hospitals everywhere boys are mutilated as standard practice in hospitals.

Both Sexes are being completely fucked over.

I don't know the father of this kid who thinks cutting his junk is something that needs legal backing but he is either deluded, complicit or sadistic, and I applaud this mother for at least trying but the fact she's forced to consent to her child's mutilation by the state.. Because if she didn't sign a form saying mutilate my kid, she'd have been locked up in jail like that was some great crime.. Ugh.. Its a crime to want your kid to be mutilated.. A Crime.... Only if its a boy tho. Its opposite if youre a girl... In some places.. Sigh..

Man... Sometimes I get so sick at this world.

To the levels they have sunk, are why I get drunk.

The people who advocate for all this just wanna get their hands on kids Junk, and DNA.

I no longer wanna talk bout this.

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Jesus was circumcised and ya never heard his mom bitch about it

I like to think weve come a lil bit further than in the times of jebus. Allthough, apparently not.

Idk man, that can be debated seeing as how we live in some pretty fucked up times. I'm not gonna argue the validity of your claims on cloning, reptilian hybrids, or human DNA hijacking cuz realistically, you might be right. We live in strange times where technology is vastly outpacing cognitive ability, and who knows what kind of tech "the powers" have in deep underground military bases...

I will argue on behalf of circumcised males, however, in that it serves a higher purpose than that of aesthetics or pride. It's the sign of Abraham and with that, it's the physical symbol of being "set apart" as Abraham and his tribe were called to be a set apart people. I firmly believe that in this day and age you shouldn't get a circumcision unless you actually know why you want to be circumcised. I don't think that a father wanting his son to be circumcised because he himself is circumcised, is a good enough reason.
Abraham did it because he believed it's what the God of the Israelite's wanted him to do. If he had not listened, than Joseph would not have been able to prove to his family that he was one of them, a Hebrew among Egyptians. Speaking as a circumcised man who loves his creator, I'm glad I was circumcised early in my childhood because that shit would suck at my age. Is it required in order to "set apart"? I don't think so, at least not for those outside of Judaism (aka Gentiles).

But as far as forcing a mother against her will to have her son circumcised, that's actually a form of psychological abuse, if it were me I would be absolutely sure my wife was 100% on board with it before coming to a decision. I think the father is wrong for forcing it in court, but she should have known the type of man he was before going into that relationship, and he should have known she was against it before getting her pregnant if it was that important to him.

P.s. I'm assuming you aren't a believer, since you referred to my Messiah as "jebus", and that's fine except it kinda shows a degree of disrespect towards anyone who does, as if to say "you're pretty delusional if you actually believe in that guy!". Maybe you're not trying to come off that way, and if so, I appreciate that, but if you are, people aren't really going to feel like they have a level of equality with you, like you're approachable, or open to those who are different than you. It's important to remember to be accepting of those who have differences of culture, religion, and social background, and yet still rally around issues that are important to us without degrading each other for being different. I'm sure you were probably joking, but if you weren't, please understand that Jesus is important to me, his story and his teachings have value to me. But I also enjoy reading your content as well, and I would hate to have to compare you to some sold out celebrity who says they love their fans but then comes off like a dick when they actually meet a fan. Don't be that guy. Just keep writing good content, and genuinely love those people that appreciate it.

Just my 2 satoshis