Stranger than fiction fact, underground tunnels USA! #fulltimegeek

in donaldmarshall •  6 years ago 

So I researched to help @fulltimegeek and I like the facts! although the first one is weird.


1934 and LA Times.

It may seem unbelievable now, though there was once a time when journalists not only copied out / spewed narrative people, and they actually had the freedom to be investigative reporters. (honestly)
After I researched an old newspaper article about bases and underground tunnels, I found this article from 1934, entitled "LIZARD PEOPLE'S CATACOMB CITY HUNTED"


Researched this one.

The themes of gray reptilians & aliens involved are getting slowed down, and this is back thousands of years. Take a look at this below.

Dulce, New Mexico.

"Dulce, New Mexico is located right on the border of Colorado-New Mexico.It is an ancient city, with a population just under 3,000.This is the tribal headquarters of Jicarilla Apache Reservation.This is also the location of the secret base-based underground allegations."

"Philip Schneider, an explosive engineer working for the US government, with high-security clearance, claimed that in 1979 he participated in the construction of an underground underground base, in Dulce, New Mexico. leaving 60 dead men and alien underground creatures fighting for their lives. "
"Schneider asserted that he was suspicious of engineering operations while noticing the presence of the Green Berets and Special Forces.The fear came when after underground drilling he came face to face with a 7 foot-tall, smelly, gray allegiance, he clearly panicked and took the gun he carried that's what the engineers do!) and shot and killed two strangers.Another alien fired a plasma laser ball or whatever to him and detonated some of his fingers, he was rescued by a Green Beret who allegedly gave his life for him.At overall, 60 alleged humans lost their lives that day at the "Battle of the Dulce-Man Alien."
"There's a war down there and it's been going on since then," he said. He spoke of 1,477 underground bases around the world, 129 of which are located in the United States. Each cost $ 17 billion or more. He said the Black Budget, which is hidden from other US government agencies and from the public, garnered 25 percent of gross national product. Military forces from various countries have been involved in such wars with foreigners, he said. - The Epoch Times.

Sumerian tablets and Egypt.

Try reading about the Sumerian tablets, they state that humans are more or less manufactured by Anunnaki, please visit the article here = they are found in the middle east.

Egypt and flying saucers.


The more you dig, the farther you browse the underground base, the more lizards and aliens are depicted throughout history.

"There are some scientists and archaeologists who say Egyptian hieroglyphs show signs and UFO images.One of the many designs in this hieroglyphs are seen in Mexico in stone and pottery.Now, advanced mathematical, geometric, and astronomical knowledge, Today's institutions are actually derived from Ancient Egypt. But the question is where they came from? The Egyptians seem to be equipped with deep knowledge and understanding of outer space. There is really a spiral image in Egyptian hieroglyphics, which means galaxy, energy, etc. that, there are pictures of some half-animal creatures half human, and reptile creatures.

"Some people actually think that these are the images and symbols of extraterrestrials.Figure of the three thousand-year-old" Temple of the New Kingdom "in Egypt also shows some images of modern submarines, helicopters, and something that seems to be a UFO in their ceiling. "
"There is also a theory that surrounds the journey of Egypt and aliens.There is an Egyptian legend that tells of Tep Zepi.It is actually described as the time when the 'God of Heavens' descends on Earth and has raised land from water and mud, should travel or fly across the sky , what they call and describe as flying boats and have brought wisdom and law to all men through the royal line of the pharaoh. "
quote source here

More questions than answers it seems.


A tangent.

Do I go on one? Not sure, I did keep stumbling over aliens and lizards throughout history, while trying to research this.


Or thoughts, leave them below, have a fantastic week. deliberators conclusion = must keep digging (pun intended)

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