RE: Messages of Interest from others. - Page 7

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Messages of Interest from others. - Page 7

in donaldmarshall •  5 years ago 

celine (Nov 3, 2013 11:54:33 GMT -5)
Amelia Air-heart shared a link.
Lawyer undergoes extreme body modification to become Vampire Lady
Maria Cristerna, from Mexico, is covered head-to-toe in tattoos, looks like she has fangs and even has titanium horns inserted into her head.Michael Rowland The Mexican culture has never professed to worship a righteous God, it was Mayans or what? The guy down the road says that they kill dogs and eat them not because they are to poor just part of their religious culture. These folks have never known righteousness so they can never do things properly, all they can do is perv everything they touch. This is the same with almost every culture around the world. Their are many in decision making places today chosing for or against the life of perversion. The term perv is based on someone first knowing what is right and then a judgement is made that someone has changes their rules to twist or pervert what is holy. Holiness comes from only one source.Sandra Cardoso knowing that most pervs come from the usa... but she was such a pretty lady and now she is like a monsterDonald Marshall no most perverts come from eurasia.Sandra Cardoso all white usa'ers came from eurasia Sandra Cardoso cause that's where the europeans come fromSandra Cardoso it's a long story, we could get lost in it, there are many in's and out's ...

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freehumans (Nov 4, 2013 6:51:46 GMT -5)
Stanley Washam shared a link. Crazy weird! 231134421 Be Prepared Decoded
Best viewed in full screen. This video decodes the recent 231134421 Be Ready video. I would warn you in advance, that based on my findings, you better be rea...Merri Cowden Is he alluding the Large Hadron Collider and it's supercomputers? I'm kinda freaked out, because on Friday, when someone mentioned switching back to normal time from daylight savings time, I said to my boss "time freaks me out, I don't get it". And now it seems like I keep coming across info about time manipulation.sigh

freehumans (Nov 4, 2013 7:17:47 GMT -5)
Karen Winrow..Donald Marshall Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - Phantom Timegoo.glThe bizarre theory that 300 years of human history has been completely fabricated has gained footing somewhere, but how? This is the stuff you may...Ryan Deaner "a load of paranoid clap-trap?" WTF?? Possible...bizarre, dude.I'm gonna watch it again.Ryan Deaner The narration is so freakin' weird.Ryan Deaner ..better the 2nd time.Karen Winrow So much strange info coming out in droves lately, we cant really argue with this, just another thing to keep trying to research and keep an open mind to! I watched it 3 times, the narration is freaky, but a lot of people trying to get their point acros...See MoreHippie Lovegods i wrote this in Sept. of 2012 >> Happy New Year it's 1713 >
...Karen Winrow Crazy as it sounds, it makes total sense! Another thing that would clear up a lot of issues!

comment pruned due to size

freehumans (Nov 4, 2013 14:00:15 GMT -5)
Lazaro Montufar posted to Donald Marshall .Lina Seeka all the crests on all the stuff. everywhere. coats of aerms or arms. whichever 1.Lina Seeka hah google gone tits up now. was tryin to look at coats of aerms. dunno why i but that spelling seems right.Donald Marshall hmmm, might be a couple of crabnasties on yer family crest lol.Lina Seeka hey donny. dots . . .Robin Ejvergård In alchemical symbolism is the winged dragon a symbol for the masculine/spiritual principleDonald Marshall lol nopeDonald Marshall usually bout vrill.Robin Ejvergård ok you maybe right, my sourcers is from 1600, but I forget you are in the illuminatiDonald Marshall your sources are from the 1600's? Donald Marshall they must eat really healthy. To have lived so long. Robin Ejvergård I mean from texts from the 1600 centuryDonald Marshall oh. Donald Marshall I'm not an illuminati member, more like a prisoner while clones there.Robin Ejvergård No critisism in no way just my tought about itDonald Marshall nice horns Robin. Robin Ejvergård thanks I like themRobin Ejvergård Thats not means that im a satanist, satan is just an archetype in your mind if you ask meHippie Lovegods i never here about ex illuminati or mafia members btw...Ralph Lazaro Montufar That carved design of the 2 dragons is probably older than the United States. Its ancient for sure. Here in Barcelona they have antique buildings and houses everywhere.

freehumans (Nov 5, 2013 7:44:36 GMT -5)
Lina Seeka posted to Donald Marshall we have no idea what date it is. yr. etc. or concept of time. 'ancient' are just words. but words are a huge deal in the game. ancient hieroglyphs could b spkng of the future. & past. & present. cavemen cd b all the ppl who shaved all the time. (after 6 weeks or however many .. ~ of a blackout, all the girls who straightened there hair all the time & shaved legs .. wd resemble cavewomen. sounds ridiculous. its meant to. every1 laughs & ppl say no more trying to find where i read 1 of the pope innocents changed new yr day FROM~ April the first. to january 1st. then april 1st was BRANDED april fools day. so any1 who spoke of it being new yrs day. was branded a fool. every1 laughs. & ppl dont mention it again. 1511 or 15 something. date was. & April 1st then became the beginning on the tax yr. please note: thats only in certain 'countries' ~ its a game. games. many games within games.the internet. When was it invented. who by: who owns it: & who & when uploaded all the info on it: & then: how long until it was made available to public. the ino/disinfo was all there, & then much has been added.

freehumans (Nov 5, 2013 9:49:36 GMT -5)
Dene FarmeryStory from a friend.Thoughts please.When I was younger I thought I used to get abducted by aliens in my dreams. I would have dreams strange ones that I was conscious during I could feel pain and fear but found it impossible to wake up I knew it wasn't real but I knew the feelings was, it was weird and it went on for what seemed like hours I would eventually wake up shaking and excited to be awake.The latest dream I remember that I had full conscious during and found it impossible to wake up from. I was surrounded by hundreds of people, all but 8 where laughing at me the other 8 where chasing me cutting me tareing my skin off and one big guy was eating it. I remember the full pain. Even faces.Very strange I only hope that one day if I'm a clone I get my memories back. Donald Marshall has made me think that maybe I'm not just a fucked up dreamer who watches to many horror films.I also have free mason links in my family right back to the 40s aswell as gang members and formers.If anyone can give me some feedback?Astral Light yeah I thought I was abducted too. I use to think it was the aliens either taking my etheric/astral body or possibly even my real body but I guess it was just my clone self. I’ve had many abduction experiences...saw UFO’s and saw the Grey aliens (Vril Type 3/4). I was fully conscious and remembered when I woke up in my real body. I knew it wasn’t a dream, it’s too real. they would do experiments on me...take out my eye’s and stuff. they would show me stuff...I don’t really remember feeling pain like you though, so I guess my pain sensors were off.Sherna Bharucha I also used to think I was getting abducted or some demon was trying to get my body. I was actually terrified about sleeping. I don't remember ever feeling pain but I do remember feeling the cut of sharp objects and being afraid of being cut. Last night in a "dream" they broke my leg and were chasing me (it's still fuzzy). I knew my leg was broken and could feel it was unstable but no pain.

freehumans (Nov 7, 2013 12:01:09 GMT -5)
Erin Elizabeth Brandon shared a link via Lee Perkins. Not sure if you had heard about this but it reminded me of you...Brutal: Inside the world of child cage fighting
New York photographer Sebastian Montalvo traveled the nation to document the growing trend of children's MMA - witnessing children as young as five locked in a cage to fight.Donald Marshall yep, done lots of that. It was sometimes to the death as clones though.Erin Elizabeth Brandon Wow...I just can't imagine...I've always known about all of this stuff happening

celine (Nov 7, 2013 18:09:27 GMT -5)
Lee Ann HandLook at the stickers that my kids got from Trader Joe's. Can you say programming the kids? And for those who doesn't know what I'm talking about, never mind. Keep on drinking your flouridated water and continue sleeping. — with Donald Marshall and Leonard Coldwell Nmd Phd.
Dorothy Lee-Halal Oh man... masonic symbols?Lee Ann Hand That and more...Donald Marshall Yeah, they're all in Disney stuff too. That new Cartoon Gravity Falls is really overboard.