Vrill and the cloning centres - Page 13

in donaldmarshall •  5 years ago 
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celine (Sept 23, 2013 17:52:42 GMT -5)
Hippie Lovegods posted to Donald Marshallhey Donald, ? are you aware of any humans that reject the Vril parasite? perhaps due to blood type..Genetics? etc.? any hosting attempts that were not successful?Astral Light according to Don, there are certain blood types that Vril cannot parasite (because they die) but he hasn't specified which ones.Donald Marshall not sure which ones can't be hosted.

celine (Sept 24, 2013 16:42:12 GMT -5)
Hippie Lovegods...... hey Donald, ? are the Vrill more Hive minded or is it every Vrill for itself ?Donald Marshall....... they have different communities in different regions of underground, different sub races, some are hive like, some are freelance.Donald Marshall...... different types are smarter than others.Hippie Lovegods....... ok, follow ? if they are coordinated and in high places...and they sense any real organized threat to their underground lair(s), could they instigate a nuclear or biological war ?Donald Marshall yes.Hippie Lovegods so... i would imagine this would not be good for the Illuminati or the rest of us....so where is the leverage here ?Kolb Robert Spencer I have a question...is not the vrill part of the SS of Nazi Germany that the Illuminate of the International Banking Cartel i.e. Rothchild are one in the same?Donald Marshall no, vrill were here wayyyyy before the Nazi's were.Kolb Robert Spencer Thanks Donald...the reason I ask is...because it is hard to find Info on the Vrill...Such a surprise to me because it was just a blip in my research...almost overskipped such a tiny word...more research needed then...any good sites worth looking into?Donald Marshall they dont advertise.Donald Marshall


Donald Marshall...... some info there.Kolb Robert Spencer....... Thanks Donald...that site really does help in the missing Pieces and now seem less confused. They sure do know how to mislead us Humans...It is almost making sense now...again Thanks for this tipMichelle O'howell Mornin. Afternoon now. Stuff to do. Oh well. Bombing house for fall fleas I haven't seen for five years. Locked out house for a couple hours, me and the dags . Year for bugs and bees by me. Glad we have bees tho. Lots of em.Michelle O'howell Vrill.. Alex Jones mentioned them, I saw. I didn't listen to video yet. Think he 's a shill maybe. Or one of them. Occasionally I listen in on him, just to see what he's screaming about this time . Best way to sell a lie, is to mix it up with some truth.Karin JM McBeth Thank you Don, that was very helpful ...Kris Pepos Just read that page myself, very informative, thanks for thatKarin JM McBeth Scared the crap out of me but made sense of the ridiculousness happening on our planet, are they located everywhere Donald?

Astral Light (Sept 25, 2013 22:44:54 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall...The vrill parasite hosts have always held high positions, to control the populace... a very very long time.Sherna Bharucha F-ed up. Are all the "royals"? She looks so vile in that pic. Danielle Lynn Campbell Who is that?Donald Marshall Queen Elizabeths mother.Tim Williams The face of deathDonald Marshall Queen mum.Sonya Goodman Maples nasty lookingDanielle Lynn Campbell Is she at the clone center?Donald Marshall still yes.Donald Marshall supposed to be dead... is now dead clone.Donald Marshall funny enough, she is nicer and more well mannered than Elizabeth, and Elizabeth isnt even dead clone yet... just retarded.Donald Marshall 5 different ways.Michelle O'howell Kinda looks a bit shopped. All that money, she'd never let her teeth get that bad, for one .But granted, she's one unpleasant looking, vile being. Inside and out. Always, my whole life, I felt evil from them.Same with the Vatican. I hated going to church, especially the Catholic ones. Couldn't stand those bastards. Was angry with my caretakers after my mother died, for forcing me to go. I'm over that now, as I'm an adult and do as I choose. But those wankers Always pissed me off.Michelle O'howell I'd read, that, because of all the inbreeding, most of her offspring were idiots and had to be institutionalizedSherna Bharucha I was just thinking that
Donald Marshall hardcore inbred... lucifarian rules. They must be removed from power.Michael Tate They Have To Do Their Part to, so be it... Sherna Bharucha They'll get what they deserve when this is all over.Donald Marshall yes they will...Michelle O'howell Document, telling about involvement with vatican and WWII. Death camps on ley lines built like ancient temples, ie:isis, and how hitler got involved because they needed German territory to complete the ley line Pentagram of death camps..one just for children. Holocaust. They were burned to death. Ley lines all led to Vatican city..' all roads lead to rome'And her/ their kidnapping and sacrifices of children from orphanges, and the magdela laundries, set up in guise to help unwed mothers, but it was just another sacrifice of hell. Digging up thousands of bodies of indigenous in Canada, now, related to the magdela laundries.Donald Marshall Vatican needs cleaning.Sherna Bharucha The pope will be strung up right next to the royals.Donald Marshall I have to get royals guaranteed immunity... Donald Marshall confined in a luxury confine.Donald Marshall cushie jail...Donald Marshall In return for them disclosing faster and NOT killing me.Michelle O'howell I read it last year. 63 pages. 83..Can't remember. I'll try to find link. I have a lot of crap in this fon. Pain in they arse, sometimes, trying to find stuff. Lol. I just discovered I could create folders, which makes it easier. Give me a break, I'm relatively new at internet and fons, and what I can do with them. Don't have pcRobb Will Omg if that isn't looking evil in the face nothing is. Old people are normally innocent looking. She looks like she wants to drink the blood of a child. Fuck thatSherna Bharucha Don, it's got to end. We need to be free. And these freaks need to be separate from us.Star Moncada Royal witch.Sonya Goodman Maples and I would like to witness them getting what they deserve Danielle Lynn Campbell Those DUMBs are pretty luxurious....Bronny Dolphin why didnt she ever fix her bad english teeth???Kathie Kristina LOL I WAS JUST WONDERING THE SAME i looked at the pic and my eyes zoned right in ewwww and the eyes reminds me of a lil old lady in horror movie i seen she was a evil old bat

Astral Light (Sept 26, 2013 5:06:29 GMT -5)
Karin JM McBeth...Hey Don, I watched your UK interview on YouTube last night. Very interesting, most especially what you say about Willie Picton. When all this went down I was employed by a defence lawyer, I always believed it was snuff movies they were making out there ... though I never believed it was actually at Willie's hands, I thought moreso that it was his brother. Willie is known to be quite simple. Last I heard the brother was tagged as a pedophile and the police were looking for him. He looks like a freak. Anyway, just thought I'd share my thoughts. Donald Marshall yep, I saw lot's of the murders done there on bigscreen at the cloning center... many did. That's what sent Britney Spears over the edge, Elizabeth and other prime evils there made just about everyone watch them.Karin JM McBeth So f'ing sad. One of those girls was my neighbours sister ... she left 3 young girls behind. You heard of a Jesse Blue West? Evil man.

Astral Light (Sept 26, 2013 18:27:30 GMT -5)
Maria LovesHumanity StandsagainstZionism...dude looks like a parasite vrill went right into that left eye and he is hostingDonald Marshall and had some guy killed so he could use his heart for a transplant. Can't use organs from clones.Astral Light Trayvon Martin, right?Donald Marshall I forget the guys name they got killed, but Cheney supposedly got his heart for a transplant.

celine (Oct 6, 2013 14:45:17 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall.. Hopi's were enslaved by Vrill. they wrote a lot about them. Fredrik Beckman... How were the Hopis enslaved by Vrill Don?Donald Marshall ...Supposedly coexisted with Hopi, droned them but one day the Hopi natives ran them out with sharpened sticks.Fredrik Beckman Ok cool thx So what do you reckon how long have Vrill been manipulating man? Have you heard anything from them on this?Donald Marshall supposedly for thousands of years. Off and on in different civilizations around the world. They have a solid foothold now though.Fredrik Beckman Thx got any news on the matter are we getting closer to be able to get rid of theese parasites?Donald Marshall The Illuminati allegedly want to disclose on their schedule, OR they're putting it off until they can do something nasty.

Astral Light (Oct 8, 2013 18:32:33 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall different vrill type 3's can screech different pitch, they can really screech. The smaller ones type1's do a distress screech that sounds kinda like the crazy caterpillar from a Simpsons episode. Weird.

celine (Oct 9, 2013 12:37:53 GMT -5)
Michael Taylor posted to ILLUMINATI AND ASCENSION 2012The inner earth's called Agartha, it's a very closely guarded secret of the Illuminati it's inhabited by a reptile race called the Vril, the vril showed hitler underground at a top secret base in antarctica code named BASE 211 NEW BERLIN, note how hitler came obsessed with UFO's he was given advance technology note how all technology including NASA which is actually german founded when they brought nazi rocket scientist Wernher Von Braun over under OPERATION PAPERCLIP can be traced back to hitler via OPERATION PAPERCLIP rocketry, mind control and cloning know where did they get the technology from back then the answer is an alien race called the vril hence the vril society, the vril (reptiles) mine gold and give it to there servents which is the Illuminati the 13 most richest and powerful bloodlines in the world, the access points to agartha are the north and south poles, Mount Shasta, Great Pyramid of Giza ,Himalayan Mountains.Dorothy Price Hill The real name is Operation PaperDip. Someone wrote "D" but it was read as "C" and "L" inadvertently. The PaperDip means that intelligence including Blackops DIPPED the person's papers. I know this as I grew up in a CIA family.Michael Taylor Thanks Dorothy Dorothy Price Hill

Records of the Secretary of Defense (RG 330
The Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) was established in 1945 as a sub...See moreDorothy Price Hill Anytime. Peace & Justice. Dorothy Price Hill My father is a member of the Bush family through Prescott Bush (1931).

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George H.W. Bush comes from a long line of industrial-minded entrepreneurs. He u...See moreDorothy Price Hill President George H W Bush is his half-brother.Dorothy Price Hill No wonder I could pick up German so well (am fluent):

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Rameses II. the FranksMeroveus or Merovee,the Merovingian bloodline,the Priory o...See moreMichael Taylor Interesting thanks for info Dorothy Dorothy Price Hill Will be in my book and movie.Troy Sharp but why didnt the vril enable hitler to win??Michael Taylor All's they (Vril) did was give him the tech in return for guinea pigs and food (jews), they didn't care about the war effort