Vrill and the cloning centres - Page 14

in donaldmarshall •  5 years ago 
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celine (Apr 19, 2014 18:22:30 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall
Hippie Lovegods Pyramids ? anagram of Dovahkiin > I Void Ankh .....Donald Marshall a picture from the fullmetal alchemist anime.Hippie Lovegods yep ~!~Hippie Lovegods they say the ankh was a symbol of life but i think it was a weapon ~!~Donald Marshall droning tool I heard.Hippie Lovegods that would qualifyDonald Marshall holy symbol to em,... but the loop at the end takes the eye out of the socket carefully so vrill type 3's can parasite.Hippie Lovegods so your here to make that shit void ~!~Donald Marshall yepDonald Marshall buncha other shit tooRead more:

celine (Jun 11, 2014 16:21:14 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall's photo.Macho Lewis It looks primate?!?!Donald Marshall reptileDonald Marshall interrupted frozen hibernation (cause of death)Donald Marshall they can get half thawed out and a rat bite through their brain in the cave... anything...Macho Lewis O wow that's crazy...Donald Marshall vrill type 3's can hibernate like that frozen and come out of it wayyyy later... they keep their fingers by the toes like that because it's painful to freeze fingers and toes first before the rest, it makes it like part of the whole and it all freezes up at the same rate.Donald Marshall it is why these 4 are positioned like this... all the same pose...Macho Lewis So they were found and taken out of their chambers early?Donald Marshall no, sometimes they half thaw out and they die, head exposed, rest in ice...Donald Marshall for a year Macho Lewis That's a messed up way to die lol but its good news for us... this world has to be crawling with those thingsMacho Lewis How long can they control a human body???

celine (Jul 11, 2014 17:48:56 GMT -5)
Ashiya Austin what happens to drones when the host body dies?Donald Marshall They die too but then "that" consciousness can be recorded on chip tooDonald Marshall Implanted in a clone or unfortunate real person...Donald Marshall Technological body snatching.Ashiya Austin Donald what do you estimate the population number for Vrill is?Laurence Mountford i know the answer to this....Laurence Mountford Hmm.. was waitin for Don to say unknown so i could joke and be like "Ahh see I told you i knew his answer to this ". oh well.. anyway. He would say unknown but has said they are lesser in number than humans. We have the advantage there hence why they need to dominate. If you seen this a bugs life clip that explains that aspect pretty well. But there are factors. There are different branches of vrill as well as different species down there altogether. Thenn there's the vrill drones on the surface and the Undead Human Chipheads And the Undead Vrill drone Chipheads Aand the Undead Technogod Chipheads AND the other Undead other alien species Chipheads along with collaborating living humans. Some of which are remade clones from the past. Oh then there's all the Chipheads in clone bodies, not human ones... so it probably adds up yet still does not equal the number of humans.. Play VideoA Bug's Life ''Then they ALL might stand up to us'' YouTubeAshiya Austin i would say about 3000 onlyLaurence Mountford no. more than thatAshiya Austin how do you know?Laurence Mountford because one tenth of a percent of the population of this planet is still Seventy Million, Nine Hundred and Sixty Thousand. given this tech was invented decades ago. and that The hosting ability has existed longer than humans have. It IS more than 3000.Laurence Mountford 3000 chipheads? 3000 drones? 3000 clones? its more with all of them. it just would be in my viewAshiya Austin we need the numbersDonald Marshall More. Way moreRead more:

celine (Jul 24, 2014 19:58:22 GMT -5)
Kara WalkerSince your clone gets tortured & killed a lot. They must have several ready & waiting. Or do they heal?Donald Marshall Duplicates ready and waiting.Kara Walker I can't like your comment cause I don't like what they are doing but I thank you for answering my questionKara Walker How come some cc attendees move on to new bodies when they die (like Cory Hamm) while others just die for real like Paul Walker? Walker was my life long crush. I'm still bummed he's dead Laurence Mountford Status Kara. also Paul Walker might not have been what you think anyway. Crush your Crush for him.Kara Walker I know, it's all an illusionLaurence Mountford an Eye-elude-zion

adai (Aug 20, 2014 16:00:03 GMT -5)
Mr. Marshall are you ok? I know you said they can kill you at anytime for telling us, just like any of us now with these damn laws, even though I don't know you, I'm praying for your soul because I really don't ever want anything to happen to you. I know you're telling the truth about this crazy shit. Are you afraid? Or are you use to this? And I'm so amazed that you are the creative genius behind most of the major songs that have made people famous and kept there careers going. That's why they keep you because you're IQ levels are probably super high. Did they ever tell you how smart you were on the human scale? I'm sorry they are using you and they have for your music talent. What do you think would happen to me if I started having people wear tshirts with your name or initials on it with symbolism that tells your story? Would the government kill me too? Or if I went to the news and was like free Donald Marshall! Would they come after me? Another thing, if someone were to be in rim sleep and in there clone body at the cloning station, do you wake up naked? Do you get to watch people do stuff or do people wake up and some rich person paid for you so you go straight to getting tortured and having sex? How does it work? Do rich people buy certain celebrity clones and use them one at a time? Like if two people ordered one person at the same time how does that work? Do they take turns? Are they in single rooms with them? Or does this all happen in the public arena area? And I want to help you get out of this. Look up Cathy O'Briens story and the man who helped her out of mind control. I want you to be OK Marshall.

adai (Aug 20, 2014 18:19:47 GMT -5)
Can you get doctors to take out your chip? Can anyone help you get unlocked from your clones? There has to be a way. Some scientist out there has to know how and maybe help you secretly.

celine (May 18, 2015 17:49:22 GMT -5)
Brandon EarpCould archons and vrill be the same thing?Laurence Mountford lets have a lookSean Gatchell Archons are beings outside of time and space, mutli-dimensional tamperers. Vril seem to be physical, terrestrial beings that live under ground.Laurence Mountford replied · 1 ReplyLaurence MountfordWell "Archons" in Gematria equates to "Gimatria" as well as "Calculate" in simple Gematria. Then also "Muhammed", "Gods Name", "Eden Snake" and then "Alien Being". But the Clincher is that "Archons" Equates to "Dragons" not only in Simple Gematria but then Also Jewish Gematria, which doesn't happen often, its like having three pins of a lock all aligned whereas only one or two is easier and more likely to occur. so Yes. Probably Vril. Vril or Nephilim. The Birds are apparently Dracos or the Annunaki, and the Elohim are the big Beardy fo's. Vrill match Archons most in my mind. But probably could be used as a term for any bodysnatching Alien thing. Humans who like to bodysnatch are just sore losers.
archons Gematria Value - English Gematria CalculatorOnline Gematria Calculator with same phrases values...GEMATRIX.ORGSean Gatchell They help focus the energy from created reality that we help with our thoughts and energy patterns, and they feed off of it to use a toolset and mold reality in a predicable and favorable way for themselves. Parasitic, need negative energy like suffering and trauma. Salty loosh makes for better conditions, so they try and make most of reality in that condition.Like · Reply · 1 · 14 May at 23:42Sean Gatchell Gematria is a condition of theirs, reality has to predictable enough for them to rig the outcome. Freewill bends their probabilty Matrix. We live in a Matrix to feed them mostly.Like · Reply · 1 · 14 May at 23:43Laurence Mountford Oh one i missed was "Antares", which not only is that region in space but then also the words "An Tares" which doesn't make a whole lot of grammatical sense but just something i think may be relevent given that whole biblical talk of "Tares" which from what i know are just like Archons but in the bible.Sean Gatchell Masons are borders, they live on the outskirts of reality-creation by using negative rituals to continue creating conditions favorable to these entities. Everything these brotherhoods do is entropic, they do not create reality, so they mimic the conditions through ritual and symbols.Laurence Mountford No wait it was just a parable, but could be one subtly referencing malevolent beings among us type thing.Sean Gatchell It is why they use use the imagery that they go. They think they are God, but only function to destroy just enough to keep the energy levels of the planet down.Laurence Mountford If you like.Laurence Mountford They're just mean dicks really.Sean Gatchell An alien intrusion, really. The circular reality were are currently experiencing is falling apart, the box can't sustain light beings any more and will fall apart.Laurence Mountford Or, Shits bout to go Craycray.Sean Gatchell It is nature. The "powers that be" fight nature because it is favorable for them to have a box for them to rule inside of. Most beings can gain energy by being directly connected to other beings spiritually, while that has been breed out of them.Laurence Mountford "Brevity is the Soul of Wit" as a guy called William Shakesman once said.Sean Gatchell The film Pandorum is a favorite gnostic parable for me, if you've seen it it ha everything nicely boiled down. The spaceship represents "earth" and the crew respresents humanity as a whole. The monsters are the psychopaths who have been bred on the planet for favorable conditions to feed off of the awakened, keeping the ship from reaching an enlightened state and exiting the false reality that needs such turmoil.Laurence Mountford They're negative, Negativity reduces as Positive Produces grin emoticonSean Gatchell
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Hi (May 31, 2015 5:48:26 GMT -5)
Who is Maria Orsic?Celine O'Carroll....She was an austrian medium in the vrill society during w.w.2. She actually started the vril society with a few others...it was formed out of the thule society...Don says she was a vrill-infested drone. She says she channeled information regarding the vril flying disc which they gave over to hitler and himler.....Don says it was just ancient tech held by the vril underground, which they were then able to back-engineer.