RE: Vrill and the cloning centres - Page 9

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Vrill and the cloning centres - Page 9

in donaldmarshall •  5 years ago 

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celine (Mar 17, 2013 10:33:00 GMT -5)
17/03/13Donald Marshall ........The Vrill lizards just showed Hitler and his Nazi's where an underground abandoned Atlantean base was in antarctica... they started back engineering the saucers and other tech... they werent psychic and werent given the plans by aliens from Aalseran... thats a buncha bs... The THULE society Thule (Toolie) is what Atlanteans called Atlantis. The Vrill society were mostly parasited hosts of Vrill and parasited many people.Jayne Riggs Jaccoma ..........totally fascinatingDonald Marshall..... interesting yep... but once you know the entirety it's horrifying.Jayne Riggs Jaccoma ..........well hell yes i am extremely horrified...Jayne Riggs Jaccoma ..........i guess this new knowledge overwhelms meJayne Riggs Jaccoma........ that is what i meantDonald Marshall .......Better to know than not to know though.Nick Bootneck Jordan............Nick Bootneck Jordan Nick Bootneck Jordan........ says it all really...115 views of this and over 1.3 billion of fucking gangman style or whatever the fuck it's called..Donald Marshall........... lmao I know..

celine (Mar 17, 2013 17:01:58 GMT -5)
17/03/13Q).........Jayne Riggs Jaccoma one question...if the vrill are so evil....why do the elites have them as pets.....wouldnt one of the vrill....get mad and spurt the poison in their eyeJayne Riggs Jaccoma...... guess what I mean is....why have them around...the vrill..that allA).......Donald Marshall...... many reasons... the elite really like to molest children.... parasited hosts do too...SO they use them to scare people into compliance, and some religious leaders protect them saying they are the children of yahweh or some other god children of set or lucifer... they keep them to inspire fear. Also to use them to replace people,... old fat uglies have beautiful women parasited then marry the lizard thing...Donald Marshal..l many reasons.Jayne Riggs Jaccoma......... if you got the money honey....i got the time....hahahahhahahahahaaaaaJayne Riggs Jaccoma....... wow that is sooooo fascinating....thanks Donald..

celine (Mar 17, 2013 17:09:17 GMT -5)
17/03/13Karen Walker shared a link.
The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Coming Race, by Edward Bulwer Lytton This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online a...Karen Walker...
Vril - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.orgVril, the Power of the Coming Race is an 1871 novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, originally printed as The Coming Race. Many readers[not specific enough to verify] believe that its account of a superior subterranean master race and the energy-form called "Vril" is accurate, to the extent that some theos...

celine (Mar 17, 2013 17:13:55 GMT -5)
17/03/13Nathan Crompton shared a link........
Alien Agenda Unfolding - Freeman Perspective

celine (Mar 18, 2013 15:12:04 GMT -5)
18/03/1318/03/13Donald Marshall shared a link.....Truth, they killed the guys that found out.MIKIVERSE POLITICS: QUEEN ELIZABETH II CONFIRMED Bravo.... wowTim Lunn .....I'm not shocked at allRoger Clayton..... Donald do you know her real ageCarolina Lechuga............ Like that girl said ! in the video I showed you remember Donald Marshall?Donald Marshall........ 87 I think, she isn't a host, she helps the Vrill find hosts and children to eat at the cloning centers. They sit around as clones sometimes and have a kid brought there, a real kid and they watch the lizard feed... like death theatre. Made me watch a bunch of times. As clone. her family have been down with Vrill lizards for hundreds of years.Donald Marshall............ she is supposed to be related to Vlad Tepovich (Vlad the Impaler) she's proud of the fact, and Vlad the Impaler helped Vrill find hosts and lunch too. All the Bloodline families supposedly helped Vrill in the past... religious sects and cults kept them too. Still do. the Vril society the Thule society. Canadian Dept of parasitic research keeps them as well.Marcia Pavlis....... Sickening.Donald Marshall ..............Horrifying, terrifying, I've tried to think of a word to describe these people, but there just isnt a word bad enough, even malevolent sinister diabolical doesn't do it. It's just beyond.Roger Clayton Donald how did you get away? Did you ask to leave or did they fly you home?Donald Marshall......... I've never been to the cloning center in my real body, no one does unless theyre going to be killed or droned by a lizard. They transfer your "consciousness" (as they call it) into a clone when your in full R.E.M sleep stage, thats why they call it Mark 2 rem driven cloning.Donald Marshall........ they give up the ability to have dreams or nightmares and just go there and walk around talking to each other acting like evil idiots.James Russell Weston.......... I knew this years agoDonald Marshall....... it's what they mean by sell your soul for fame and fortune... you sell your clone to be used this way... only they didnt think it would be a lifetime contract aaand involve the children they have too.Donald Marshall ..........this kinda cloning is duplication cloning... (fully formed duplicates the same age as you when the sample was taken from you.) the other way is replication cloning... from a baby. (get cells from someone alive OR DEAD, and make embreyo, surrogate mother and they are born,... they can even implant them in cows to be born from a cow lol.... they got lotsa whack tech... its so advanced. They have it all figured out.Donald Marshall .........after getting slimed on by 80 year old men and their friends most celebs regret the decision after a few months of attending each time they sleep being brought there to be gangbanged... hey the price of fame.Donald Marshall.The Pussycat Dolls-When I Grow Up-(With Lyrics!)James Russell Weston........ We should talk more Donald, have you heard my interview on Marshall .......when I grow up I wanna be a star I wanna do this do that lol ----> Just be careful what you wish for cuz you just might get it, you just might get it, you just might get it.Donald Marshall ..........I haven't but send me a link I'll watch.Donald Marshall....... That song is about the slavery aspect.James Russell Weston..... go to, alphabetical list, under James James Russell WestonDonald Marshall.......... listen to that people...Donald Marshall......... It's the pussycat dolls saying hellllp the illuminati got us and if we tell we die or get parasited in the brain.Donald MarshallGoogle Image Result for
Browniee Doll .......gosh! she annoys the living shit outta me!Donald Marshall......... me too,... Imagine her in your make me a song, c'mon you did it lotsa times, make me a song make me one... MAKE ME A SONG NOW OR I'LL CUT YOUR FACE ASSHOLE! Yeah, she better move to Beijing before I get an ounce of authority in this world...Donald Marshall .......I mean sure I'm going to push my thumb through her Illuminati all seeing eye someday, but she will look cool with a patch. Donald Marshall ..........pirate pop star or something, arBrowniee Doll ..........Lol ew either way she's an ugly old fart!.You're funny don!! Donald Marshall...... she is a little long in da toof now isn't she? Donald Marshall........ Nicole Sherzlewigger or something...Cheryl Novalofski................ Queen not valid monarch, Revised Edition! PLEASE SEND TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!
The Reptilian Race! ( Video ) ...See MoreCaptain America on Myspace
Read Queen not valid monarch, Revised Edition! Cheryl Novalofski British Royalty dined on human flesh! They have long been famed for their love of lavish banquets and rich recipes. But what is less well known is that the British Royals also had a taste for human flesh.
Reptilian Queen Jubilee, This was one of the crowning events at the Queen's jubilee party. The universe is depicted hatching from a giant reptilian egg decorated with snakes and dragons. (I'm not kidding) The best part is when the solar system pops out. It isn't OURS! Theres no ringed planet, no asteroid belt, no tiny planets, colors are all wrong. 4! blue planets. One Family, One Bloodline, One Rule,
British royalty dined on human flesh (but don't worry it was 300 years ago)
It will come as quite a surprise to Prince William's new wife, but some of his r...See moreDonald Marshall....... still do, and not just Elizabeth, and not just British royalty... scandinavian german asian african bunch of European royalties have and still do.Donald Marshall....... they really like cooked glands... looks like a small sack full of yuck, and they love them... they contain the same cells as in Pepsi, called flavinoids, they make your taste buds work overactive.Donald Marshall ........some royalties in the past were hosts of vrill... but they're dumb and messed up all the time, got caught being corrupt and evil, and it was pitchforks and torches... so they started using human hostages as figureheads to rule, while they called the shots from the shadows.Morgan May.......... I've read that the Reptilians/Greys feed off human glands as well. Is it the same thing?Donald Marshall......... they like blood... solids include different glands, brain and pancreas.Lex Rex .......Jesus....Donald Marshall ..........Now they are exposed. Their existence is secret no more. Secret of Vrill was once the most closely guarded secret in the world. Now you know Donald Marshall........... But knowledge is power, and the only way they can possibly win is to depopulate the planet, because we outnumber them big time. They gotta get wiped out. The droned hosts too.Donald Marshall........... Funny, they made that new almost released movie "The Host" to condition people to the idea of an alien parasitic species using humans for hosts. Trying to convey that all hosts are not bad... but they are. Maybe not in that movie, but in the real all Hosts are evil, they killed the person whose body they inhabit,... it is NOT a symbiotic relationship, the original human "consciousness" is dead and gone Vrill parasite totally dominates.

celine (Mar 21, 2013 17:59:00 GMT -5)
21/03/13Nicole Dietz shared a link.Yesterday near Clarksville, TNSecret Society The Vril - Master RaceThese guy refer to themselves as the Master Race. They have all the tech n all the control. Turns out countries are farms for us the slaves. Look it up. Love

celine (Mar 21, 2013 18:55:11 GMT -5)
21/03/13Marcia Pavlis shared a link.They talk about the Vril in this video Donald. I hope you don't mind me posting it. Nibiru Top Secret 1/2Special thanks to my colleague and friend Vladimir. The Truth is Here, not out there
!!Joe Gozdziak As far as I know this isnt about Nibiru this video in russian is about hollow earth.Donald Marshall I welcome relevant posts Ryán Cráig When is nibiru expected to be seen in terms of looking up at the sky and it looking like there is two full size suns? any idea

The Coming Race is a novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, published anonymously in 1871. It has also been published as Vril, the Power of the Coming Race.
Some readers have believed the account of a superior subterranean master race and the energy-form called "Vril", at least in part; some theosophists, notably Helena Blavatsky, William Scott-Elliot, and Rudolf Steiner, accepted the book as based on occult truth, in part. One 1960 book, The Morning of the Magicians, suggested that a secret Vril Society existed in Weimar Berlin.