RE: messages from Donald to his facebook friends - Page 171

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messages from Donald to his facebook friends - Page 171

in donaldmarshall •  5 years ago 

celine (Jan 2, 2018 10:13:09 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall30 December 2017 Evenin' all. 🔆Amanda Walker........ Talk to us DonnyDonald Marshall .....To say what?Amanda Walker .......whatever u deem relevant 😓Donald Marshall.... Amanda Walker 😊Laurence Mountford .....#Ruff?Rob Dutze........ Evening DonnySharisse Franklin......... Good evening DonnyVictoria Zambuto......... Hi Donald.Shellie Evans........ Hey Don, good to hear from ya, Sheign Black
Lloyd Rice........ Happy New Year Mr Marshall from Down Under...

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celine (Jan 2, 2018 10:17:23 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall30 December 2017 Indeed. 🔆Tornado ThienLike Page30 December 2017 Matthew 3:11 KJVI indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:Donald Marshall...... Tila Tequila's new page.Sean Rats LeClerc......... God not HER again....Laurence Mountford......Ah.. So thats what ol lopsided tila doing with herself nowadaysSharisse Franklin ...........Now this bitch has turned to religion now. I'm starting to dislike Im holier than thou nuts.

celine (Jan 15, 2018 7:18:32 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall12 January 2018New cloning and consciousness transfer Carbon Trailer Enters a Death-Defying World of the FutureNetflix has released a second trailer for Altered Carbon , set in a world where a human consciousness can be transformed into a new bodyShellie Evans.......... Donnie, I have been meaning to ask, do you think it is the real Queen there or are they clones themselves?Ari Rautio...... It is not a movie. It is upcoming TV serie.James Arthur Jancik......... I will add the descriptive phrase, Science Fiction. They do not (physically) know what consciousness is, let alone transfer it. In fact, they cannot even access/transfer the memory mechanism/memory.Clones are "real" but it takes 20 years to make a 20 year old, and the cell dna will actually be 40 by then. The deception would be worthless by the wait. There is also no way to make sure/transfer "Me" into my clone. It would be another person altogether. Growing organs from stem cells? Perhaps slowing down the rate of DNA replication errors? Gene Therapy? There may be something there to lengthen life. That's about it.Ari Rautio ..........How do you know what tech shadow government has? CIA insider said they are 60 years ahead of us.James Arthur Jancik .......The question would be, how can you assume what tech they have? I am going by facts in reality that have not been overturned. There are biological science limitations. I am not gonna simply to "believe" there is more because someone says there is. Anonymous, "insider" sources are worthless without corroboration in reality.Celine O'carroll.... For those who have been researching Donald's revelations for the past 7 yrs or has been blatantly obvious that what he says is not lies or imagined...the catalogue of supporting evidence is utterly phenomenal.Neža Šolinc..............
...Bodies ‘kept alive’ in bags ready for HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS to be…EXPRESS.CO.UKRead more:

celine (Jan 15, 2018 7:36:34 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall shared Makayla Degler's video.14 january 2018😐
Michelle Fields....... I think this is some kind of promo for the new Netflix series "altered carbon"Celine O'carroll........... was an 'exhibit' in Vegas. Amazingly accurate...just using the term 'sleeve' instead of 'clone'.Michelle Fields........... Celine O'carroll I agreeLaurence Mountford........ Still not impressed.Celine O'carroll ........Yea....cos we know all this is really designed to desensitize the public and to guage the public reaction....but happily it also serves as another example of the truth of Don's testimony from day .consciousness uploading into clones that are kept in a dormant state on enteral feeds and ventillators and bodysnatching reanimating chipheads.

celine (Jan 15, 2018 7:59:27 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall shared Like Our Page Fammtv's video.14 january 2018😳
Wtf!!!! People now have the option to live forever after February 2........ This Is CRAZY!!!Ari Rautio........... This still is the promo for TV serie Altered Carbon.Celine O'carroll................. Its an actual exhibit in Vegas....a 'stunt' to promote the netflix series......but wow... ... probably the closest they've come so far to outright admitting whats going on... . displays 'human sleeves' in glass cases for new Netflix showDAILYMAIL.CO.UK

celine (Jan 15, 2018 8:04:31 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall shared Makayla Degler's post.14 january 2018Well...
Simone Miller........ HmmmEbru Elly Neumann ..........„Altered Carbon“ (Netflix)Reiki Faturahman......... "Ghost in the Shell" lol

celine (Jan 26, 2018 2:59:49 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall21 January 2018They do that a lot.PFV on Twitter“DRAKE TOOK MY MELODY!? I NEED ROYALTIES ASAP!!! LISTEN TO THIS... 👀 TWITTER.COM

celine (Jan 26, 2018 3:04:50 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall23 January 2018"Marshall" High school shooting in "Marshall" county, Kentucky... 😐
Oriana Spratt....... Is this a warning to you?Donald Marshall....... Dunno.Sean Rats LeClerc...... hopefully just a weird coincidence...