This is Devon Nunes and that is what he said on the show I posted the link below

Here are my doodles. Lately I've been going over my drawings 3 or 4 times trying to get the caricature right. I find a good picture I like online. Drudge Report didn't really have any and the gateway pundit didn't really either. I started watching videos.. Mike Huckabee show his interview and he said this. He said a lot of headline worthy stuff. But I went with the cult headline.

There I am 1st comment. I like to comment 1st.
I'm getting request to do anti trump cartoons and I just reject them. I just want someone to know that this is what I do.

Scorpio energy is high this month in November.

That was me last night.
I was wondering is the big disney secret ..the big 33 secret.. about Walt Disney.. is it the Disney castle ? ..could it be a real castle disguised?

There are many castles round the world just like it.
The buildings they can't control and charge you for like museums government buildings churches.. They destroy. These buildings are ancient and there was an ancient culture here in America and every single one of our cities has these buildings but they've hidden it under the narrative that there were just cowboys and Indians in America. Oh United States cities were fully in tact when we arrived.
Coral Gables Florida has a fairy tale attached to it too and it's always men of secrets who control these.
It would be easy to disguise the castle and make it an amusement park around it I wonder what The Secret Tech inside of the castle had that they stole because America was completely empty of people when we arrived but all the cities were intact and the men of secrets have gone to great length to hide it and claim that they built these buildings on their own. A great culture far greater than we for they had free energy and all these buildings were self heating and if you notice in all these fires these are the buildings that are left because they are made of stone.

It's very easy to disguise these castles all over Europe too.. phony builder tales.. almost every culture has claimed that they have built them.

I haven't looked into this but I'm asking you what is the big secret societee secret about Disney besides pedophilia?
Hiding some sort of history that doesn't fit the narrative the colonial narrative of our country.
For if the parasites can't charge you for looking at these buildings and wow you with stories that they themselves built them.. Complete with photo shop of the past any builder can look at construction photos and tell you if it's a legit photo. They can't charge you for it or make money off it they will destroy it because they don't want you to have it.
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://www.politicalcartoonsdonaldtrump.com/devin-nunes-on-mike-huckabee-show-political-cartoon-for-donald-trump/