Wave travel experiment

in double-slit •  7 years ago 

Thomas young performed an experiment in 1801, Young demonstrated successfully the interference of light by doing a double slit expansion. 3 screen labeled A,B and C were placed side by side and light from distance monochromatic source illuminate slit in screen A. The emerging light spread through diffraction( this is the spreading of light when it passes through a narrow opening or around the object) to illuminate into slit s1 and s2 in screen B. Diffraction of the light by these two slits sends overlapping circular waves into the region beyond screen B where waves from one slit interfere with the other. Between screen B and C semi circular wavefront centered in s2, depict the wave that would be there if only s2 were open similarly to these centered on s1. The evidence of interference is seen on screen C when point of interference maxima forms visible bright rows called bright band or fringes. Dark regions called DARK BAND or FRINGE(minima) result from fully destructive interference. The pattern of bright and dark fringes on the fringe, is called an interference pattern. The bright bands occur where d=na. where n=0,1,2,3,4......
Constructive interference takes place.IMG_20180316_102851_107.JPG.
Dark bands are found where d=landa(n+1/2) at point 0, the path difference is zero.

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