Yesterday evening, shortly before the close of trading, we formed a PG on an hourly basis. The eruption took place with the last trading candle.
Trigger point: 27250
Today we will probably finish the return of the M30 27327 and thus the M30 PG would have a performance of 75 points.
The decreasing point range is probably a sign of the Holidays, only few dealers act on the market.
In this time you should have more distance to the market and simply enjoy life. In addition, it also gives you the opportunity to learn stuff out of the trading world.
There are so many educational videos on YouTube to learn the basics.
Economically I have again a new video from Hans Werner Sinn, because he is one of the few who knows how to present complex things in a simple way.
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor
nor is any content in this article presented
as financial advice. Never invest more
than what you can afford to lose.
This post is my personal opinion,
do your own research before making any investment decisions.
If you make any trades after reading this post,
it is completely in your responsibility.
I am not responsible for any of your losses.
By reading this post you acknowledge and accept that.