Adventures in peaceful non-compliance : Australian Census 2016 [TODAY]

in downtherabbithole •  9 years ago  (edited)

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I just didn't answer the door whenever the census workers came by (Canada).
After two months all the temporary workers were laid off. And my information is still my own.

The problem is ther majority of Australia's have just accepted that their data is no longer theirs.
We are far to submissive as a country. It's time we regained our freedoms.

you know if you opt for the paper version you will not be required to have your name and address stored just like all other census before

Good to know, but still not really the point. I dont work for them and have no reason to support their data-mining efforts. Especially now that they are compiling information from outside unknown sources, and selling what they've compiled back out again. I'm out

I do agree with you the data mining and on sale is wrong and goes against what the spirit of the census was supposed to be for

Ohh how I hate Census workers!

I know right ? I can't stand random unsolicited doorknockers from any business. Let alone the type that try to force cooperation via threatening my family with fines.