Coming out. [#downtherabbithole pt1]

in downtherabbithole •  9 years ago  (edited)

View this post on Hive: Coming out. [#downtherabbithole pt1]

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I have noticed that these kind of posts dont usually get many votes on steemit. Doesnt change the fact that theres something wrong with the moon landings and how we are constantly told about space through the media and films etc. Somethings at play here that most people dont want to see. There far to dependent on the system to ever really open there eyes and use a little critical thinking on the subject. At least you willing to give it ago. Good for you my friend

Yeah unfortunately I haven't seen many successful conspiracy posts either (yet), but I'm going to give it a go anyway screw it :P

I'd like to continue the series exploring a different topic each week, getting into the more esoteric as time goes on. Maybe see how people deal with ideas like (for example) 9/11 being a directed energy attack, before we talk about things like how EVERYONE can astral project, and seek gnosis of the fractal multiverse ;)

Like I said, the rabbit hole goes deep.

I've made many efforts to educate in the past, some more successful then others. I've handled fundraising and public education campaigns for all sorts of causes, I've started dozens of online communities and I've never tried to personally make a cent from it. Just cause material can be rewarded on steemit doesn't we should only seek rewards :)

That said, if I start getting harrased by lawyers from the OTO again .. Or if clinton wins and retargets wikileaks and supporters - have this platform to appeal for resources to deal with it could also be nice. Above all though, this platform offers permanence .

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment