RE: NEW PEOPLE: How to deal with jerks that love to censor ideas they dislike...

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NEW PEOPLE: How to deal with jerks that love to censor ideas they dislike...

in downvote •  8 years ago 

We have 2 official ways of promoting: Voting (like any other acc) and posting it in certain channels of discord (They may or may not get promoted after posting them there). However me and appearently some others trailers thought there might a third. We get high visibility due to the votes on our posts and I thought "hey, why not use that visibility for promotion

I actually am familiar with how it works. I was offered to make a trail when I signed up and kept getting rewarded for awhile. That seemed to have stopped too. I stopped seeing the notices that a post was considered good and had been rewarded some trail tokens. Hell I didn't even get all the trail tokens I was already supposed to have. Ultimately I decided I didn't care as trying to deal with bitshares, open ledger, and trail tokens was a pain in the ass as far as I was concerned. They also were not worth an amount I'd consider it worth spending all of that time trying to use them.

To present the side of the people who are behind the community-trails, a position that I am actually quite curious to get your opinion on: They see
it as a job and many of them do work hard to be engaging and make valuable posts. Steemtrail in itself can be viewed as a company that has a social/good intended goal - promoting valuable content on Steemit.

Sure and their trail posts could stand on their own as the old aggregators do. I don't see much value to the community in people aggregating other people's work and then the people that actually made the work that is being aggregated hardly benefitting at all. I can tell you I was able to watch where they were using my votes. They were voting on trail posts, not the people they were aggregating. That has a leechy feeling to me, so I didn't really want to allow my account to be used for that anymore.

Compared to a random real life company Steemtrail seems to be a good thing and I might go back working for them "part-time". My conclusion after all of this is that Steemit in itself is too strongly modeled after reality and doomed if there are no drastic changes. Maybe I will be able to initiate change through the organisation of Steemtrail.

I am not anti-steemtrail. I support it. I just won't be letting them vote with my account any longer, I do not endorse how they vote at all.

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I honestly do not understand why you(in particular) would support Steemtrail. It is a socialist intervention into a free market, but we can jump on discord by Hammer and Sichel inc, supported by the chinese company Tencent that owns the most successful videogame of the world.

I know it's Hammer & Chisel , but in German you would pronounce it very close to Sichel (Sickle)

On the other hand I don't want to judge people according state socialist memes. And even if they are, I don't want to fight against them, I want to convince them to fight with me ;)

We call it a Sickle in the U.S. too... not chisel.

We call it Sichel, so it is phoneticly very close to chisel, at least if you read the english word Chisel with a German tongue it sounds very close to Sichel, the "s" and "ch" sound are very close in German.

To me it sounded a little bit like a Verballhornung

Oh and just as an additional info I think China is actually doing much better things for the world than the US and Europe, see Africa as an example.

Just after a quick google search, even the guardian is reporting on it and there are much more flattering docus/articles

China is a long term view country. I don't judge people or nations by pockets of doing good or bad. I try to look and see what they've been doing long term.

China does great at the moment they have two of the largest capitalist ports in the world... Hong Kong and Singapore. :) Without that they would be in a very different state.

China does great at the moment they have two of the largest capitalist ports in the world... Hong Kong and Singapore.

of course China has reformed itself so fast because of them being not hardcore state socialist. I am talking more about the "good kind" of state socialism. You know where you try to realize projects that actually help people.

Btw just realized that Britain and French are hardcore centralized while we Germans still have the word "Bund" in our BRD referring to alliances of city an small states that we effectively still are. We can finally be the first to make a progress :D. You Americans are awfully centralized between NY and LA as well imo.

But yeah, I am tired and need to go to sleep, but anyways china and germany will lead the world into a brave new world. Did you know that china always believed in it's cultural superiority and that we know awfully little about it?

I'll get to that German course so you will be at least be able to speak one of the two new world languages ;)