Friday Around the Homestead~Kombucha, Chicks and Herbs

in doyougrow •  6 years ago 

My brain is all over the place these days. Organization doesn't come naturally to me and taking on another job has me scattered! This is a #seewhatisee kind of #walkwithme and a bit of #doyougrow because my life is all about seeds and plants these days....

A coloring oddity in the Red Rubin Basil. You do you, little Basil!!

First thing I do these days is check on my kombucha attempt. I was given a scoby in started tea and following directions carefully, I have fed her and am waiting patiently for her to do her thing! Fingers crossed!

Mother in the smaller jar and sweet tea cooling in the background

She is now in her new home, feeding on the sugar and tea

I have no cupboard space to spare so I wrapped a tea towel around the jar to keep it warm and dark. I added a love note so she is happy and knows she is loved :)

2 days in and I see a thin scoby starting on the surface!!!

Checking on my girls is still weird with so many missing. The teenage chicks are almost allowed out here for good, there is no point this weekend as we are getting a huge storm. They need to get out of the house though, we have new Brahma chicks that need their pen!

5 of the 6 left. Adele is missing from this pic, she is broody and won't leave the cat carrier. Kind of sad since we have no rooster, poor girl. This is Daisey, Reba, Penelope and wee Blanche in the very back

Big Billie Girl

I went around the side for 1 minute to check for eggs and they escaped. Ugh, I need to find the hole and block it. No free rangers until we get the electric fence set up....

Bad #chickenbitches

Oh, hello Spike!

He hates it when I try to talk to him outside haha. I think I blew his cover. I guess he doesn't want to hang out right now!

Hey @lyndsaybowes, check out the #puddlebaramoter over here haha!! It says it's getting cold again. I am so over this winter already.....

Now for a greenhouse check. It is pretty much good as I watered yesterday. All of these guys are probably itching to be planted. Here are some progress pics of some of the herbs started last month.

Lemon Balm

I always pinch leaves to make them bushier. See the double leaves? Those are 2 new stems

Lots of new growth at the bottom. Lemon balm epically spreads through your garden, so containers for it are a good idea!

Sweet Basil

Purple Sage with new bottom growth helped out by pinching leaves up top


French Thyme and some Summer Savory



Looks like some garlic from last year wasn't picked! I need to dig this out and eat it!!

That is all in here for today. I need to get going on more transplants and seed starting the brassicas now. I hope you all have a great Friday night and weekend! I will leave you with a peek at the new Brahma babes! It looks like we have 2 cockrels and 2 pullets! Luckily, I am able to trade back the extra roo for a hen as the person who gave them to me is a breeder and needs boys! Win, win!

Cuties just getting their real feathers in

Look at those feet!!!!

Thank you for reading! Take care of you and yours ❤

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Omg bwa hahahaaaa to the PB and Noooooooooooooooo to it being frozen, what a coont!!!

The gals look amazing <3 <3 Chicken hugs to them. Your plant photos are giving me gardening envy, and your tobacco looks GREAT!!!

Awesome #walkwithme Sis!!!! Thank you <3 <3

Right?? Screw you PB!

The tobacco surprised me! Starts out sooo tiny lol!
There are lots of chicken hugs today, we got more haha! I love you sis! <3 <3<3

You need to leave post it notes for your chickens: 'Eat Worms & Lay Eggs, Love You'

Some good varieties of herbs there! I just re-arranged some garlic chives that had self seeded and will plant them with thyme and marigolds along a border of my vegie patch that's a bit dry and lacks love as it's too close to some trees. You know that garlic? I do that on purpose with the end bits of seed crop that I can't be bothered planting. Then I use the green stalks like garlic chives/spring onions. So good!

Ooohhh i like that companion combo, I might jam some of my garlic chives in with thyme and marigolds! Yes, I plan on planting out the small cloves from my garlic this year for that, assuming my garlic grows...kind of worried since its been so muddy and such a harsh winter.
Bwhahaha to the chicken note!!! I have to do that...🤣

It's always a suprise when you dig the bulbs out - are they small? mouldy? big? We had a bad season last year as it was so dry, but still got enough, so yay. Maybe leave a love note for your garlic too - if it's so wet you might need to put it in a ziplog bag! xx Good luck with the garlic. Oh, by the way, there's no picture in your little circle thingie?

Haha the pic is beacause I can't figure out how as lame as that sounds!
I think I'm going to totally write my garlic a note, stick it on the side of the greenhouse it's near. I think it could use some love lol! The garlic stress is sure real!

Oh you just go to settings and then you can import the picture I think....

I love all your herbs! I'm especially glad for the tip on pinching the leaves to make them bushy. Maybe I can finally grow herbs that aren't all spindly!

Do it! Pinch them all! <3

Very good job. I like it. Especially those chicken. Tomorrow I will post my chicken pict. and a small fishpond that I will start clearing from rubbish tomorrow. I plan to grow shrimps vaname in it. Thanks for sharing @karenfoster.

A wonderful day for you @karenfoster our life is almost the same .. i also often post #walkwithme #doyougrow and #sheewhatisee