RE: WOWOWOWOW! I'm almost a whale here + Review of the site inside

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WOWOWOWOW! I'm almost a whale here + Review of the site inside

in dpd •  6 years ago 

Yes I did, the reason I did so is, as you probably know this is a platform specifically designed for reviews, your post didn't seem to fit into this. If you changed it into a review of the video, I'd be happy to reverse my downvote.

For being reasonable and coming and talking with me, I also gave your comment an upvote.

Have a nice day,
~ @dpd

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Thank you for your response. I appreciate that. I feel the same way as you do about Realityhubs. I also love the idea of this platform - reviewing stuff, expressing your thoughts on it.

In Realityhubs introduction post, it is mentioned in the Products section,

"We can also see products from the end of intangibility. We can see them as intangible objects to offer other benefits. It could be a piece of professional advice from a lawyer, doctor, engineer, and so on. Once people can benefit from these ideas, it is also a product you are offering to the society." Source

To get a good idea, I asked this question on that post.


Later, I joined Realityhubs Discord server. And I got the answer from Realityhubs founder, @knowledges.

Martial Arts related content 2.PNG

I'm passionate about martial arts. I express my thoughts on different things about martial arts and self defense.

Let's come to the post that brought us together and have a good conversation.

If you see it in a different angle, it is a review of knife defense techniques in Filipino Martial Art VS Wing Chun. Source
Yes, there is no review word over there.

The decision is up to you, @dpd. It can be the beginning of our friendship.
I wish you good luck and success!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Wow. You really did your research. I'm glad we could discuss this and I have learned something, so thank you! I've upvoted your post 100% now =)

Let's be friends. You'd probably be better off following my main account @cadawg, as that's where I post most stuff.

Thank you,
Have a great day,
~ @dpd

Thank you very much.
See you around!


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