Tomato can save you from the stomach cancer.

in dpoll •  6 years ago 

Tomato can save you from the stomach cancer.

Tomato is a very common item used in our foods. Experts recently revealed that tomatoes can help prevent stomach cancer. Stomach cancer also called gastric cancer. There is a very common type of cancer throughout the world and is caused by non-healthy food habits.


According to research, ingredients of tomato prevent the growth of cancer cells in the stomach. According to experts, the ingredients in tomato can end up during cooking due to heat. Therefore, instead using in Curry, it should also be use in salad.

The lycopene inside the tomato is very beneficial for the body and positive chemical changes occur after its arrives in the body. Remember Tomatoes are also very helpful for prostate cancer.

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I do not make salad!

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  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

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