How many meals you do everyday

in dpoll •  5 years ago 

How many meals you do everyday

Doctors say 4-5 meals , i prefer 3 ,what do you prefer ???

  • 1-2

  • 2-3

  • 3-4

  • 5 or more

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  • 2-3

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Don't really have meals, I just eat little and often.

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  • 2-3

I usually eat three times everyday.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner.
Sometimes I eat more, sometimes I eat less.

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Find a doc who understands the amazing benefits of intermittent fasting (IF), especialy if you have any kind of metabolic and/or weight struggles. OMAD or a 4/20 IF schedule is absolutely best for me. If you make sure to stack up on protein and take it easy on the carbs, it can become quite effortless in just a few days.

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  • 3-4