RE: Dporn Verification! Introduction Post

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Dporn Verification! Introduction Post

in dporn •  5 years ago 

Hi, @shind take a moment and verify through the portal here.

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I just did!! Hope i'm welcome✌

  ·  5 years ago (edited) seems i'm not welcome here!
During the process of my registration with steemit, im only allowed to shorten my Username to @shind instead of shindara12. Don't even like the name Shind but hey! Really, dont have much choice. Do i?

Well..think i'm gonn' have to move to another platform.✌

Hi @shind you have to type your @shind and write it out like you did there for shundara12 which isn't your username ? Your username on steem is @shind not Shundara12. You just need to write that down on a piece of paper. This isn't not allowing you to be here this is about verifying you. Thanks.

Ok! I've done that now. Thanks for understanding.
My Pic_20190906-185200.png

Thanks @shind and we got your other three photos. Welcome to Dporn.