in dprince2281 •  6 years ago 


Hi! everyone all over the world, as usual ! all of you know's, I always carry you along with any information about good crypto related projects through my blog.


File sharing is the practice of distributing or providing access to digital media, such as computer programs, multimedia (audio, images and video), documents or electronic books. File sharing may be achieved in a number of ways. Common methods of storage, transmission and dispersion include manual sharing utilizing removable media, centralized servers on computer networks, World Wide Web-based hyperlinked documents, and the use of distributed peer-to-peer networking.



Peer-to-peer file sharing:Peer-to-peer file sharing is based on the peer-to-peer (P2P) application architecture. Shared files on the computers of other users are indexed on directory servers. P2P technology was used by popular services like Napster and Spotify. The most popular protocol for P2P sharing is BitTorrent.

File sync and sharing services:Cloud-based file syncing and sharing services implement automated file transfers by updating files from a dedicated sharing directory on each user's networked devices. Files placed in this folder also are typically accessible through a website and mobile app, and can be easily shared with other users for viewing or collaboration. Such services have become popular via consumer-oriented file hosting services such as Dropbox and Google Drive.

rsync is a more traditional program released in 1996 which synchronizes files on a direct machine-to-machine basis.

Data synchronization in general can use other approaches to share files, such as distributed filesystems, version control, or mirrors.

Files were first exchanged on removable media. Computers were able to access remote files using filesystem mounting, bulletin board systems (1978), Usenet (1979), and FTP servers (1985). Internet Relay Chat (1988) and Hotline (1997) enabled users to communicate remotely through chat and to exchange files. The mp3 encoding, which was standardized in 1991 and substantially reduced the size of audio files, grew to widespread use in the late 1990s. In 1998, MP3.com and Audiogalaxy were established, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act was unanimously passed, and the first mp3 player devices were launched.

In June 1999, Napster was released as an unstructured centralized peer-to-peer system,[1] requiring a central server for indexing and peer discovery. It is generally credited as being the first peer-to-peer file sharing system.


Gnutella, eDonkey2000, and Freenet were released in 2000, as MP3.com and Napster were facing litigation. Gnutella, released in March, was the first decentralized file sharing network. In the gnutella network, all connecting software was considered equal, and therefore the network had no central point of failure. In July, Freenet was released and became the first anonymity network. In September the eDonkey2000 client and server software was released.

In 2001, Kazaa and Poisoned for the Mac was released. Its FastTrack network was distributed, though unlike gnutella, it assigned more traffic to 'supernodes' to increase routing efficiency. The network was proprietary and encrypted, and the Kazaa team made substantial efforts to keep other clients such as Morpheus off of the FastTrack network.[citation needed]

In July 2001, Napster was sued by several recording companies and lost in A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc. In the case of Napster, it has been ruled that an online service provider could not use the "transitory network transmission" safe harbor in the DMCA if they had control of the network with a server.

Shortly after its loss in court, Napster was shut down to comply with a court order. This drove users to other P2P applications and file sharing continued its growth. The Audiogalaxy Satellite client grew in popularity, and the LimeWire client and BitTorrent protocol were released. Until its decline in 2004, Kazaa was the most popular file sharing program despite bundled malware and legal battles in the Netherlands, Australia, and the United States. In 2002, a Tokyo district court ruling shut down File Rogue, and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) filed a lawsuit that effectively shut down Audiogalaxy.


Demonstrators protesting The Pirate Bay raid in 2006
From 2002 through 2003, a number of BitTorrent services were established, including Suprnova.org, isoHunt, TorrentSpy, and The Pirate Bay. In 2002, the RIAA was filing lawsuits against Kazaa users. As a result of such lawsuits, many universities added file sharing regulations in their school administrative codes (though some students managed to circumvent them during after school hours). With the shutdown of eDonkey in 2005, eMule became the dominant client of the eDonkey network. In 2006, police raids took down the Razorback2 eDonkey server and temporarily took down The Pirate Bay.

“The File Sharing Act was launched by Chairman Towns in 2009, this act prohibited the use of applications that allowed individuals to share federal information amongst one another. On the other hand, only specific file sharing application were made available to federal computers” (United States.Congress.House). In 2009, the Pirate Bay trial ended in a guilty verdict for the primary founders of the tracker. The decision was appealed, leading to a second guilty verdict in November 2010. In October 2010, Limewire was forced to shut down following a court order in Arista Records LLC v. Lime Group LLC but the gnutella network remains active through open source clients like Frostwire and gtk-gnutella. Furthermore, multi-protocol file sharing software such as MLDonkey and Shareaza adapted in order to support all the major file sharing protocols, so users no longer had to install and configure multiple file sharing programs.[citation needed]

On January 19, 2012, the United States Department of Justice shut down the popular domain of Megaupload (established 2005). The file sharing site has claimed to have over 50,000,000 people a day. Kim Dotcom (formerly Kim Schmitz) was arrested with three associates in New Zealand on January 20, 2012 and is awaiting extradition. The case involving the downfall of the world's largest and most popular file sharing site was not well received, with hacker group Anonymous bringing down several sites associated with the take-down. In the following days, other file sharing sites began to cease services; Filesonic blocked public downloads on January 22, with Fileserve following suit on January 23.

In reference with the motion of this article, Today! I will be presenting you a particular undisputed project called: OUTOFTHECLOUD





OUTOFTHECLOUD Systems, Inc. is redefining the file sharing industry and setting the new standard for how people are sending and receiving large files. The current leading file sharing services are using technology that by today’s standards would be considered primitive at best. Instead of creating new platforms, they have built upon old and outdated ones allowing for OutCloud Systems, Inc. to lead the way as the next generation in file sharing technology.

In a ceaseless effort, Outcloud has developed an Artisanal platform to send large media files and beyond the normal file-sharing experience to include live and dynamic presentations. The timeliness of those files in safe, secure, and fully customizable displays can be personalized for each recipient.





TheOutCloud system was first developed solely for use within the private detective agency as a means to securely send case related materials to clients which often included large video, document, audio and image files. Other file sharing services available at the time came with serious security concerns and lacked any form of presentation whatsoever. The existing file sharing services also required the receiver to download files one at a time before they could even be viewed and required the users to grant them many invasive permissions to even use their system. This was simply not an acceptable way of doing business correctly within this specific industry.

The problem was then identified and a solution was developed shortly thereafter by Matt D. Ballard who partnered with web developer Robert Keddie. Together they created a prototype system and called it MyCaseViewer.com (MCV) which has been in successful operation since 2013. (MCV) has only served the private detective industry to date. The (MCV) system has developed significantly over the last several years by taking in customer feedback and putting it into action which lead to numerous product enhancements.

It did not take long to realize that with minimal modifications and product enhancements (MCV) would be able to offer the global community the same superior file sharing and presentation delivery experience currently enjoyed by the private detective industry. The team expanded to include additional program developers, marketing staff and business consultants then work began on the upgraded version of (MCV) with the intent to become a completely decentralized version revamped towards a more global market. The public version of MyCaseViewer was completed and called OutoftheCloud.com (OOTC). OutCloud Systems, Inc. has now developed a way of bringing instant delivery of multimedia file presentations to the world in a manner that is not dependent on cloud computing or long term file storage. Currently, our system only briefly bounces in and out of the cloud just long enough for the presentation to be delivered and for the recipients to view and/or download the desired files. At some point in the near future we intend to move 100% away from cloud storage altogether and can reasonably conceive block chain technology as a possible road map to accomplishing this goal.





OutCloud Systems, Inc. is redefining the file sharing industry and setting the new standard for
how people are sending and receiving large files. The current leading file sharing services are
using technology that by today’s standards would be considered primitive at best with the
advent of blockchain technologies. Instead of creating new and exciting platforms they have
built upon old and outdated ones allowing for OutCloud Systems, Inc. to lead the way as the
next generation in file and data sharing technology.
Unlike other file sharing services OutCloud Systems, Inc. not only replaced the need for
office supplies by providing a paperless and rapid delivery system for large files, but also the
need for downloading of any bloated invasive software for the sender or receiver. In fact,
there is no downloading needed at all to send or receive the files sent, or to view them.

  • There are No Downloads Required At All! — Many leading file sharing services require both the
    sender and the receiver to download a bloated software file before files can be viewed. This
    takes time, storage and requires effort on the part of both the sender and the receiver. OutCloud
    Systems, Inc. services require no downloads of any kind on either end.

  • There are No Invasive Permissions Required! — Other leading file sharing services require their
    users to give total access to all of their computer files. Not only do they require this from the
    sender of large files but in some cases from the receiver as well. Many people are not
    comfortable with such an invasion of privacy and want to be more selective about which files
    they intend to share with someone as well as to have control over who those files are shared

  • Professional Presentations Delivered — Most file sharing services are very generic and offer no
    presentation of the files shared using their systems. Since they believe that presentation is a
    powerful tool, OutCloud Systems, Inc. is designed to allow its users to build a customizable
    secured webpage presentation on the fly that can be branded to look like a part of the user’s
    company or personal website complete with a personalized welcome message and personalized
    text message to the intended receiver — like having “a website for your files”!

  • Changes made in Real Time — OutCloud Systems, Inc. competitors that allow for sharing of
    large files cannot make changes once a file has been sent. If sender accidentally sends the wrong
    file there is nothing that can be done about it. This can become a very costly mistake in cases
    where sensitive information was sent to the wrong individual. Their system allows for changes to
    be made in real time even after a link has already been sent and changes are made
    instantaneously which includes deleting the files entirely.

  • File Security and Access — The links created within OutCloud Systems, Inc.’s system are never
    indexed by search engines so they cannot be found by anyone they are not sent to. Additionally,
    there are time limits set on how long the files are available after which they are deleted. Lastly,
    links created have the senders’ option of password protection so even if someone found a link in
    your email they still cannot access the information without the correct password assigned by the
    sender at the time the link was created.

  • Custom Branding — The Internet Delivery Platform developed by OutCloud Systems, Inc. is
    designed to accommodate branding options for premium users in the form of direct click portals,
    banner ads, still graphic image ads and video links. This design provides a revenue potential that
    can offset expenses incurred by Free User Accounts in the form of advertising space. Income from
    advertising links can be revenue producing through direct purchase, based on online views or
    clicks generated.

  • Multiple Device Access — OutCloud Systems, Inc. offers its users many of the same benefits of
    cloud computing without the security risks involved with the cloud. Instead of requiring that you
    grant permissions giving total access to all of your computer files as is found in cloud computing
    based solutions OutCloud Systems, Inc. will allow the user to access all of their files on all of their
    devices from anywhere in the world by way of a proprietary (self-to-self) micro networking
    feature that they are currently in the process of developing.








The ICO is a natural supplementary funding source to further accelerate the development and global adoption of the OUTOFTHECLOUD PLATFORM




  • Token Symbol »» OUT

  • PreICO Price »» 1 OUT = 0.1 USD

  • Price »» 1 OUT = 0.15 USD

  • Bonus »» Available

  • MVP/Prototype »» Available

  • Platform »» Ethereum

  • Accepting »» ETH

  • Minimum investment »» 10 USD

  • Soft cap »» 10 000 000 USD

  • Hard cap »» 50 000 000 USD

  • Country »» USA

  • Whitelist/KYC »»KYC


Thanks to Blockchain Technology and OUTOFTHECLOUD Platform for introducing better and incomparable ideas in the World File & Data Sharing.

For more information about this project, please! follow the link bellow » » »

★ANN TREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4768024.0

★WEBSITE: https://www.outofthecloud.io

★WHITEPAPER: https://www.outofthecloud.io/OutCloud_Systems_White_Paper.pdf

★TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OutCloudSystems

★FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/OutCloudSystemsInc

★MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@admin_9757

★YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJGpH31JeC9Pc7wWtzCpCNQ


••BITCOINTALK PROFILE LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1907552;sa=summary

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AUTHOR: Dprince2281

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