Dragon Fruit Quick Facts

in dragon-fruit •  7 years ago 

Image source: www.epicmatcha.com/dragonfruit-matcha-smoothie-recipe/

Dragon Fruit Facts
Name: Dragon Fruit
Scientific Name: Hylocereus undatus
The Colors Pink, red, yellow
Its Shapes Subglobose, ellipsoid, oblong to oval, 5 to 12.5 cm long by 4 to 9 cm across
Flesh colors Red Color
Taste Mildly sweet
Calories Amount 264 Kcal./cup
Prime nutrients of dragon fruit Carbohydrate (63.18%) Calcium (10.70%) Vitamin C (10.22%) Protein (7.14%) Total dietary Fiber (4.74%)
Dragon Fruit Health benefits Lowering cholesterol level, Boosting your immunity, Good for Digestive health, Preventing blood sugar, Good for Healthy Heart
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Hawa teu boh naga gure @tanyoe

ya... lon pih hawa sit nyoe...bah ta pula ilee,,,ate na boh enteuk ta kirem bacut :D =))

Hehe terimakasih @tanyoe salam sukses