Drain the swamp : what is going on with pedogate (childrape and child harvesting)? trump world... 7000miles is no more, it's time

in draintheswamp •  5 years ago 

nothing... okay we got the anaderochrome what ever the name, taint it by the way, ie supply a synthetic tainted version to the buyers and shadow kill them...

it's time to wake up.

then I think that trump is a little disconnected and totally right at the same time...

the thing I mean is that may be him and alex jones should be using public ways briefed on the real risks facing the usa liberated from the childrapists, ie bring the fight to their homes, no way to defend the border in texas !

that's the thing those two seem to not understand, force projection... bring the fight in the enemy area, where ever he wants... we go there... never wait to let them come... what a failure, what a weakness, what a stupidy and lowiqism to want to wait... that's stupidest of all, specially with a mega asymetrical hedge against most...

so again what is the time horizon... 7000 miles... it's ~120ms at the speed of ligth... (maybe the double, but still less than a second), then with a classical airlines it's 10hours? more or less, by boat 3 weeks? so that's the real distance... now mix digital warfare, biological warfare, nuclear warfare....

yeah, vaxx scams seems pale in comparison even if way more likely...

so this is the thing, trust is damaged and eroded, my self I am already writing in a post childrapist usa... ie the purge will have been done, it's easy and smooth, wake up...

those fuckers raped the daughters of the nations, future mothers of the troops ! I mean, highest of all crimes, acts of war !

any other shit show verbal, is death.

I don't have to argue this, I don't want to waste time on this, there is no shit, no crap, they (those adults) knew...


and worst those girls were conditionned... or very unlucky and lost...

john wayne would never tolerate this.

now the execution of those implicated among the rank of the gov will be with their families. that's decided.

so or barr and all those fucking civilian loser move their asses, or really, and it's just a question of time, they will fucking watch the execution of their families up 1 and there everything done... ie uncle of barr lives with his children but will see his parents and nephew die, brother or sister and their partners.

yeah, yeah, expeditive protoclized method of restoration by violence.




and definitive.

and it will be done... by humans or machines.

chose humans, it's more natural for everyone involved.

so yeah...

those politicians and others stuck in their various complex...

but it doesn't change the fact that he is right in a sense...

what's the end game ?

there is no end game...

it's management of violence...

constant war, endless war...

I know it sound terrible...

but there are 3 options...

  1. do nothing and let them feasts and plan and expand
  2. kill them all.
  3. what is being done...

I am against 1 and 2, it's too brutal... liberating eretz israel, (jordan, gaza + strip egypt /ksa + north ), wall turkey, wall med sea, desert by the non muslims south (weapons is the only way to win war) + keeping management programs hoping that one day they will wake up ! they meaning those in the 3 jihads , demographic, military and political and stop wanting to impose their sharia to the world.

but let's say they are right in their sharias? who will back those opposing it? a force that they as humans following of sharia can't beat... if their angel messanger couldn't, what's their chances...

ahh yeah,, darkness of light here we are... so everything is fine is xinjiang? 3 years of clam? stress level down? vigilance and completion of the programs running, excellent.

you see? you aren't indispensable... happily, another great success of the market ! hedged :D !

what? who do you think we are?

don't forget, you serve, mainly by obeying orders, when you are done, welcome, you are free, and we take care of it... by the means of liberty... you see?

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